Chapter 27

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Rosalind's POV 

We had just arrived at one of the wooden huts after following Mar. Simpson from the car park. The huts were easiest described as something that looked fresh from a film or book. The outside had a huge porch type area, not actually in the house but still under the warm cover of a roof. On the old porch stood a man who looked to be middle aged possibly late 30s early 40s. I'm not too good at judging ages though. No one really paid attention to him at first, we were all too taken in by the wonderful environment around us. After a small subtle cough all eyes were on him.

“Hello ladies and Gentlemen, my name is James and if am the chief leader at this camp. My aim to you is by the end of the week you will be a stronger person, physically and emotionally. You will also learn to trust everyone here like your life depended on it! This camp will be fun but you will also learn new skills on the way, thank you for listening. Oh there are not many rules but if will explain those later on, on the beach, after you have all settled down. You should also know you’re the only group here so you’re very lucky. Now go to your teacher who has a list where people are staying for the first night. I will explain all later."

The whole class seemed to charge at Sir to know who they were doing with. Lilly and if didn't need to Rush though, we already knew we were coming together, if guess being the only girls does pay off in some ways.

There were only 6 wooden cabins all together and one of those was the leaders, so that left us with 5 cabins but Mar. Simpsons was having his own cabin. And then there were 4... It worked out well though, 2 people to a cabin plenty of room. Lilly and if eventually got to see which cabin we were in. All the names were displayed and a next to that our cabin numbers.

2. Cabin number 2. That's what it said next to mine and Lilly's name. After looking at our names Sir told us to go to the cabin and drop off our belongings, then to meet on the beach no later than half an hour.

After hearing this news Lilly and if ran to the wooden cabin with the big number 3 outside. This was exciting, we both took hold of the handle and pushed it open with small shove. My eyes eventually focused on the big open pace before me as if slowly trudged into my room. It was one bug room with a bathroom attached on the side. There were to green small bunk beds situated near the large window, from which you could see the beach. I dropped my bags on the floor and walked around the space satisfied with its simplicity. Through the door was the bathroom, which infect was just a clean toilet, sink and mirror. There was a laminated sign on the mirror that read.


Oh yippee. Communal showers. I can just imagine the grime but if refuse to not shower even if boys are around here!

I walked out of the bathroom to have found Lilly claimed the top bunk of one of the beds.

“This area is mine!"

“Hahira, OK. I will just take the top bunk on the other side." I laughed and put my suitcase on the bottom bunk. I unzipped it and started rooting through it until if found my PJ's, which were some small shorts and a tank top. I really don't care if people call me a slut or whatever in them, I’m only going to bed, no one sees. Plus they are really comfy. I grabbed one of my books too and threw it up to my bed with my clothes. What... I have to read before bed and I can't go on wattpad because of the lack of Wi-Fi, so I bought books. Nothing wrong there, just less space for everything else.

“You will never guess what!" I directed the question at Lilly.


"The shower block is outside behind the cabins."

"So we are showering with the boys?" Lilly asked shocked.

"Looks like it, it's OK there will be separate doors."

"I guess, it's just weird."

"We are going to have to get used to it. We need to stick together this week, I’m not being left with some random guy if don't know

“Yeah but if guess we will get to know them over this next week, you heard the instructor guy Rosalind, you know as much as me when it comes to this and that's practically nothing. I'm sure we are not the only girls on sights anyway, there will be a female member off staff most probably."

“Yeah we should just find out by going to the beach."

“Good plan Batman!" Lilly joked.

"Why thank you Robin." I replied as we trotted out of the cabin an onto the beach to meet the others and have a briefing.


Ok guys I want to say something. Wow. The readers of my book are amazing. Nothing less of amazing. Anyone who has had the time to read my book I am truly grateful. Any comment or vote means a great deal and it’s the reason I keep writing. Even if I don't update for a while you still come back. So thank you. I also looked at a map from where some of my readers are located and I was shocked to find that my book had been read in over 40 countries! That’s actually astonishing. I never expected to get over 100 hundred read so 8K is brilliant!  I now want to aim to get 10K in the next few chapters that would just be amazing.So yeah just wanted to say thank you for all your support!

Sorry this chapter is boring, it will get more interesting soon, promise! Will update again soon. Don't forget to like or comment :)

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