Chapter 15

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Rosalind's POV

Friday last period was dragging. The lesson of history seemed to have been going on for all eternity. I normally like history but today I just wanted to go home.

Lilly had come back to my house yesterday and didn't go while late and I still had homework to do, so I barely got any sleep. I'm dreading this weekend, I tried to get out of it but my parents were not having any of it. No change there then.

Finally the bell screeched and I practically ran out of the door and toward my locker. I grabbed my coat and turned round to face bitch A, B and C. Ash...I thought it had been rather quiet today.

“Excuse me.”

I said in a very quiet voice and tried to walk past them. I almost succeeded. Until a large hand grabbed me and pushed me up against the locker. It would have hurt but I subtly put my hand out to brace me. I got a lot of passers-by stairs and synthetic glances. Ha. They are just as bad as the bitches.

“I thought I told you to stay away from Daniel?!" Shannon spat. She looked at me like a wolf looks at his pray.

“Um." I stuttered. “I’m not a threat to you... We are just working on a project. "

“I don't expect you to understand, slut. But nerds like you stay away from princess like me. "

“Well you're a princess of hell.” I scoffed a little too loud.

“What did you say?"


“Good. Don't speak back to me and just to make sure...”

She turned round and backhanded me across the face, I could have stopped him but that would have arisen suspicion. I kept my gaze down. That's going to leave a mark... Wonderful. Her bitches came and kicked my legs, and damn those stilettos hurt. The finally turned and left.

I ran to my bike with my hood up so no one would recognize me. I promised my Mum I would be home as soon as I could so she could get me ready, to her this was a big fuss and I was just happy that she was. I would have to explain my cheek though, hmm maybe I can say I walked into a lamp post. It's the kind of thing I would do...

I arrived home on time but very out of breath I had to cycle so flipping fast my legs burn.

I came in the big door panting.

“You’re finally home.” Mum said whilst smiling at me.

“Sorry, I got held up.”

“Your home now and that's all that matters. Go have a shower, wash your hair and get changed. I will be up in a bit. "

“Yes Mother. I pulled myself to the top of the stairs and into my room. I brushed my hair before the shower because it was really knotty.

After a hot shower I finally got dressed into my dress and went into my room.

Mum was sat on my bed.

“Ash the dress is simply wonderful!"

I went to go to the mirror but mum stopped me.

“Ah-ah no looking until I have done your hair.”

She sat me down and did my hair. I felt the curling wand close to my back. I had not bothers to do anything with my hair in ages. It felt nice to try and be pretty for once.

She then came to face me but exclaimed loudly.

“What happened to your face!!?”

“Um- I walked into a lamp post?"

“But it's so obvious. Even make up will not hide that!"

“I’m really sorry Mum...”

She sighed really loudly.

“Well. We will just have to work round that."

After about half an hour of protesting, Mum finally declared me decent and I was allowed to look in the mirror.

I walked over cautiously.

Wow. Not too shabby Mum.

My blue dress fell to just above my knees and puffed out a little at the bottom. My hair fell in perfect curls to my waist but part at the front was pinned back. I had very little make up on. But enough to notice. My eyes still stood out but that's never going to change. There so bright...

I looked like a normal girl that is except for the purple mark on my cheek, that your eyes were drawn to like a fish to water.

Mum went downstairs to 'sort' everything out for when Daniel and his parents come to sleep. I took a photo, in the mirror and sent it to Lilly I promised I would.

I'm ready - me.

Moments later I received a reply.

Omg! You look so cute. Who would have known you were a girl ;) - Lilly

The mark on my cheek is so obvious though...- me

It's only obvious to you. Anyway I gig. Talk later - Lilly

I smile and put my phone on my bed and look out the window. It's started to rain and pretty heavily too... Hopefully it will dry up, this house is so creepy in the wet...

A little while later I heard the doorbell ring and voices downstairs, soon enough my name was being called. I sucked in my breath and walked down the stairs...


Sorry for not updating in a while. Got lots of school work, Will try to update once a week.

Thanks for reading and staying with me:D

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