Chapter Four

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Then Miss Lee said something that made her go from one of the best teachers to one of the worst.

"Rosalind Jones and Daniel Smith."

I just sat wide eyed in shock. This cannot be happening. Do the Gods hate me? Wait, don't answer that.

Daniels reaction was the same as my own. First shock, then confusion and then anger.

He immediately shouted across the room to Miss.

“Hell no. I will not work with this poor tramp. "


“God miss please anyone else.” Daniel tried to plead.

“No. The decision is final. No more questions. "

Daniel then turned to me.

“Looks like I'm stuck with you. So listen, you do all the work on the period of history and I will just take half the credit. "

This made me hopping mad. How dare him! I refuse to do all that lazy guys work. I might love it but not enough to do it twice.

“No. I will not. Go suck yourself!" WOW. I stood up for yourself girl. I mentally patted myself on the back.

“Chill nerd. That's your job. “He winked at me. We.

"We will do it tomorrow night after school in the library, be there."

“Um ok..."

Ok. This is new. I have a Badboy doing homework with me. I really didn't expect this. I expected to be landed with two 10,000 word essays but never him doing some the work too? I will do most of the research tonight. After all I have free time now. Whooped do!

The bell went signalling next period, German. God I hate languages.


Finally it was lunch time. The rest of the lessons had been uneventful, expect for being landed with mounds of homework. It was time for lunch now and the normal routine.

I don't dare enter the canteen anymore for fear of humiliating myself any further. I attempted to buy lunch once. However I never got to eat it. Just wear it as a fancy stain on my cloths. Never again.

So instead at lunch I go to the practise rooms. It's always empty, so I love it even more. I used to go to the library but then it got busy with couples using the back as a good area to have sex. I know. Shudder, so I found somewhere new.

I love music and playing instruments. I entered practice room 5, basically my room, no one ever comes in.

It is dimly lit with the main lighting focus as the baby grand piano in the centre. (We are a rich school after all.)

The wall is lined with shelve full packed of different music scores and DC. There are also different guitars hung up, and a microphone that rests against the wall. Basically it is heaven for a person like me.

I sat at the piano and tapped out a simple right hand melody. I added in some chords and started to sing the song that had been stuck in my head all day. Crimes by Damien Rice. It felt like the appropriate song. I started singing at the chorus the later added in the verses.

I don't have a horrible voice if that's what you are thinking, it can get breathy at times in the higher range but I can actually hold a tune.

I loved singing and music, ever since being little and learning to play piano with my mum. It took a while but I eventually got good. It makes me feel special and not just a shy nerd when I can sing and play and I know no one is listening.

I sat all lunch playing and singing until the bell for next period went. I gathered my things and turned off the light so it looked like I had not been there. Then I ran off to Maths.

YEY! (Note the sarcasm.)

Authors note

Thank you so much to @BilluBobbyLove for making the awesome cover!

Sorry about the short chapter guys. Thanks for reading and if you liked it please like or comment :)

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