Chapter 40

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Rosalind’s POV

He winked at me, I pinched his arm in a fit of jokey rage. He just laughed and pushed me hard in the other direction.

“Ok, people, people.” Liz spoke out to grab all of our attention. “You will need to stick close to one and other, these rocks could be dangerous if not approached out in a careful way. You now have a choice, either go through the water and swim to the bottom if the rocks where we need to be out of the coastline or walk over the rocks there it’s up to you and both ways have their difficulties.”

We looked around at each other and judged what we wanted to do, I wanted to swim but I had no idea what anyone else wanted to do.

“Hands up for swimming.” I raised my hand. “Hands up for walking over the rocks.” Everyone else put their hands up. Joy, looks like we are walking on my unstable feet.

“Ok so it’s decide we will walk along the bottom of the cliff line up the rocks up to the end. If any of you get stuck just call out to me. So yeah follow me and stick together. “

Right on cue I felt my small hand be grasped by Daniel as he puled me a long shrugging, stating about how we need to stick together.

The cliff line was challenging. I found it difficult to manoeuvre round dome of the rocks, so this meant Joe had more difficulty then me. Is It bad that I laughed when Daniel nearly fellin to the t ewaves? You would have done the same. He was just talking about how easy this was and I was being too cautious, right on cue he slipped and nearly fell. I’m not joking when I said I nearly weed laughing. I was not in the lead alongside Liz the instructor and Dan being me. So me being me, irked to hide behind Daniels so I could avoid conversation. This made it worse of course, now Liz was looking at us weirdly, as I nearly pin him on the rocks. I looked at her and tried to put on my act casual face, she just laughed back.

“You two should win a best couple trophies or something.” Liz joked.

If I had water in my mouth then, it would be all over the floor. I immediately spoke out in protest.

“I wouldn’t go out with him!” At the very same time Daniel said.

“I would go out with her!”

I looked at him, with a glare.

“That’s what I said!” Yet again we spoke in unison. This just set Liz off into fits of laughter and Jake and Joe behind who were watching intently.

My checks coloured pink, as I carried on walking behind Liz.

“I know you protest you’re not with him but you two are very cute.” Liz stated. As I we raised an eyebrow, whist trying to concentrate inn the rocks as we neared the point to stop.

“Yeah but I honestly thought you were together. You fight like an old married couple but are caring. I can see it even if I have been with you for less than an hour... “

I just kept my head low and followed behind, suddenly feeling like the old me. Shy and awkward. Its ok, she is sweet I just need to smile. I put my head up in time to see Liz stick her arm up, to stop the walking. She summoned us in a circle, so we all gathered rung her as she pointed to the sea below.

“We’re here. Now you have be very careful and listen to me as to what to do next. We are going to start at the bottom rocks and move up when you get confident. I can assure you the water if safe from rocks and deep enough too. I will not force you to do this, it’s you r choke if you are a confine swimmer. So who wants to go first, unless you want me to demonstrate?" 

Guess who put their hand up first? PSSSHHH, it totally was not me…. Well maybe it was here.

“Ok Rosalind. Your first, are you ok at this high or do you want to go down? “

“Nah I'm good here.”

“Ok then, come here and will explain what you’re going to do and show the others too.”

I’m excited now, the water below looks inviting. The water is warm and the sun is out. It makes the sea look a tropical green colour and the rocks seem to sparkle.


This is a big apology for not updating in 3 weeks, yes 3; I’m an awful person... But ohm well, I will update gain this week because I feel so bad. However I have had 2 weeks of mocks because my school is n=so nice. Not. But it’s over now so I should get back into o the flow of things.

Anyway, another bug milestone, 2OK readers. AHHHH, early unexpected and imp not mine blown… I can’t thank you enough for the support, but let’s try to make those reads go up to 25K, it’s a lot I know but I believe we can do it.

So, vote or comment I like hearing from you.

Bella xx

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