Chapter 26

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Rosalind's POV

"It's your fault for wanting sit at the window Hun.”
Mar. Simpson checked we all had our seat belts on and then we set off on a holiday that would turn into an adventure.
I was currently sat in a really small seat next to the BFG aka big fat giant. Not entirely true because he is just muscular not fat. Anyhow we had been driving for 15 minutes and not much had happened. You couldn't see much outside either due to the darkness, so we all just had earphones in in silence. This was until a sweet hit Daniel's head.
He tapped me so I took my earphones out.
“What?" I snapped.
"Why the f**k did you throw a sweet at me. "
" Jumping to conclusions much. I haven't even got any. "
" Oh sorry.”
Another sweet landed on me.
“Ok. Originality and maturity are two things you clearly have not heard of." I ranted as I looked over the seats to the door handles who threw the sweet.
“Chill your beans.” The boys replied with.
I sighed and turned back around.
" Who was it?"
" I don't know their names just two rude dudes. “
Another sweet hit me so I turned round again.
" Why are you such attention seeking shits? I will knock your heads off if you are like this during the trip. “Wow I sounded confident for once, these people are rubbing off on me.
" Chill again nerdy bitch, Go back to the library, no one here wants you. "
I was about to reply when Daniel spun round and grabbed the boy by the collar.
" What did you just say? “His tone of voice was actually very strong, something I don't normally hear.
" N- nothing, it was a joke" The boy was terrified.
“Good.” Daniel let go and turned around. “Ignore them, they're twats, who will end up dead if they carry on...” He spoke the last bit loudly on purpose. “Only I am aloud to take the piss out of you.” He winked.
" And who have you permission to do that?" I asked half serious half-jokingly.
"Me." Ah.
I just sighed and put my head phones in, I was too tired to even read. As the time ticked on I felt myself become gradually more sleepy and tired. I could start to feel my consciences slip from me and I just let it, hoping that when I woke up I would not have a draw on moustache.
I felt the bus jerk to a stop as it woke me suddenly from my sleep. The light seemed to stream in through my eyelids forcing them open.
Well. This is awkward, I thought as I realised my pillow was Daniels shoulder. In my sleep I had managed to crawl into a ball and half cuddle up to Daniel so my head was perfectly rested on him.
I felt the blush racing to my now rosy cheeks as I sat up quickly.
" Ash sleeping beauty awakens. “Daniel joked.” Apparently sleeping beauty dribbles on people's shoulders too."
Oh God. I dribbled...
“I’m really sorry." I managed to mumble quietly.
“Don’t be. You're a great entertainment act on long journeys. "
" Rude.”
Lilly spun around.
“Oh the cuties awake. Rosalind we are here look!"
I had failed to notice that the bus had completely stopped and Mar. Simpson was climbing out.
I looked out. Wow. The setting was certainly idyllic. We were right by the sea, there was a sand bank at the back of the beach. At the top were 6 little wood cabins hidden behind lush trees and grass. The sun was out and the outside air was hot.
I had spaced out again and Lilly, slapping me, brought me back.
“Get up weirdo. Everyone is already off. "
I unbuckled my seat belt and clambered out of the stuffy minibus into an empty car park.
" Now people, collect your luggage and follow me please. “We all did as sir said and ran to catch up to him as he led the way to one of the huts.

not sure about this chapter. May delete it at a later date. Oh well. Like vote or comment. Thanks

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