Chapter Five

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The rest of the day passed by completely uneventful, except for the normal name calling.

Soon the bell had rung signalling the end of school. I quickly grabbed my bike and cycled out of school before anyone else had the chance to.

After about an hour later I arrived home after taking an uphill detour, simply because I had done no other exercise all day.

I unlocked the door. Mum and Dad weren't in. No change there.

Straight away I got changed into my gym wear. A strappy top and joggers. I ran downstairs to the basement. AKA our gym. Well home gym.

The floor is purely mats. It has all the expected cardio and weights you would find in a normal gym. We also have an indoor swimming pool. Well we are loaded and we all like to stay fit.

I warmed up by doing some simple stretches. Soon I was working on my high kicks.

I was so engrossed in my task I did not hear my dad come in behind me and say boo!

“Dad. What are you doing back?"

“I finished all my work, therefore I wanted to come home. However your mother is still there...” My Father replied.

I have a better relationship with my Dad then Mum. He never forced me to do anything I didn't want to and always stood by me.  He was the reason for my love for Martial Arts. He taught me from a young age, so I have him to thank for being good.

“Rosalind. I'm sorry about this morning. It was your Mum's idea, I tried to stop her but she was not having any of it. I know I'm not your teacher but would you like to have a karate match against me now? We have not had one in years. I barely see you and I do not know what you’re capable of. Except for the fact you’re a black belt like me “My dad said.

See why I love my dad? He even offers a match against me. He is correct though. It has been two years since I last fought him. I was incapable of beating him then but not today!

“Sure I would love to beat you." I teased and winked at him.

We took are places either side of the mat. Dad counted down to one. By that time I was in the 'zone'.

Dad made the first move attacking my side. I had seen this and defended him easily. I then quickly hit his chest while was not looking.

The match went on for about three minutes until I decided I was tiring. I quickly drop kicked him and stood over him. I already knew I had won us then broke into fits of laughter and I helped Dad up.

“Well rose. I knew you were good but I had no idea how good! I'm amazed and so proud. "

I smiled and joked.

“You’re not so bad yourself for an old man.”

“I will rematch you tomorrow at five. Come on now tea."

Dad grabbed my hand and hauled me upstate to tea which was pie and peas his favourite.

The rest of the night went well I did my research for the project, all my other homework and because Mum was not in, Dad and I watched Frozen together.

After the film finished I went to bed and read 'Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince' for about the 1000s time.

Wow that was a hard day and it's only Monday. Shoot me now.

The Nerd Knows Karate?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora