Chapter 31

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Rosalind’s POv

We split ways and walked to the other side of the camp. Daniel and if looked at each other than to the large map, we then look back at each other and chanted with a smirk.

"Bring it on!"

The Claxon went off and we scattered to our first location, we had already orientated ourselves with the Mao and so we set off. I had insisted Daniel take the map but he said I could do it and that it would be really her to get lost in here. So Daniel took the lead and I just followed. After about ten minutes of running through the forest I was unutterably lost. Daniel stopped and me being me I ran into the back of him and fell over. He turned around and laughed so I laughed. He offered me his hand and I took it so he pulled me to my unstable feet.

“Hahaha, so now that’s over where are we?” Dan spoke.

“I though you knew, I have no idea?”

“But you have the map!”

“I told you I couldn’t use it!”

“Ugh, great. So we are lost. Do you know anything about our location?”

“Not really, I know we have been walking for 10 minutes in a straight line.”

“Well that is all the information we need.”

“It is?” I questioned.

“Yeah, I thought you would know. You can rearrange the formula for speed. That is distance over time. We must have been walking at a speed of 2mph for ten minutes. So if you time it then divide it, so we will have travel 0.2 miles. If we use the key on the map, then we should be about here.” He pointed at the map.

“This should be ore approx. location, so we can find our way from here to the coordinate.” I just looked at him in utter shock. So he is smart, maybe he should try more... He shrugged his shoulders.

“I said I liked maths.”

“Yeah…” I just nodded.

“Come on lets go.” With that Daniel ran off into the forest.

I stood there in shock unable to move a muscle. What if he is smarter then me? No, he can’t be, can he? Oh god. I’m confused now and I am having an argument with myself. PSSSH I’m not strange. Insert nervous laugh here. When I came back to my senses Daniel was nearly out of sight, damn. I shot off after him desperately trying to catch him up. Whilst running at the speed of speediness I was unaware of my surroundings as I focused on the visible tuft of hair. As I carried on, I was unaware of a log on the floor, so me being me, tripped over the inconvenient tree. It would not have been that bad but after the log was a ditch.

I let out a loud yelp as I fell head first into the ditch. Ouch. After a minuet of laying comfortably in some mud I sat up and assessed the damage. To my relief I was surprisingly unsaved. Just a few little cuts here and there but it didn’t hurt. I was muddy though, at least I looked like an explorer now, right?  I stood on my feet with a wobble and looked at my surroundings. I can tell you I was in a ditch, it was like those Haha’s you get to stop cows crossing into different fields. It was not necessarily deep but the sides were slippy so it may take some effort to get out. Even when I get out, I have no idea where I am or no clue where Daniel ran off too. Well at least that’s what I thought, until I heard fits of laughter. Great. I turned round to see Daniel nearly weeing himself due to his uncontrollable laughter. He could at least ask if I was ok…

“Sorry Nerdy but how on earth did you end up there covered in mud.”

“I was running after you and then tripped and well, ended up here...” I said looking down shyly.

This just caused him to set off laughing again. Jerk.

“HAHA, only you could do that.”

“Gee thanks.” I joked sarcastically.

“Sorry, not sorry. But are you ok?” He inquired looking at me worriedly.

“Yeah, nothings major, just a few cuts that really will not kill me.”

“That’s my tough little nerdy.” He sent me a well-practiced grin.

“How did you find me?”

“It was not hard, I was walking along to the next point, which I have found by the way and I turned to ask for the sheet of paper you have, with the boxes on. I realised you were not there and then I heard your yelp, so ran until I found you here.”

“Awe you ran, how caring.” I teased.

“Shut it midget, do you want me to help you or not?”

“I take it back, help please.” I begged.

He leant down and held out his hand, I gladly accepted his help and so he pulled me out with one hand, with ease. Show off 

“Sugar lump, you weigh nothing. Seriously.”

I felt a blush creep its way onto my face. I mumbled thanks. Then Daniel stuck out his hand again. I looked up in confusion.

“We don’t want you getting lost gain and slowing us down do we?”

 I managed to nod and take his hand. He then started running through the forest again to the post he found. I couldn’t focus though. All my concentration was on the hand grasping mine. It felt like one of those cliché moments you read in books, when they describe sparks running up your arm. I had never personally believed it. I do now. My arm felt on fire, but my hand was warm and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something felt right.


Whoop update! I really enjoyed writing the chapter and I hope you guys liked reading it. Expect another update later this week.

 Double update keep reading! x

As always thanks for reading. Remember to vote and comment, it means a lot.

Bella xx

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