Chapter Three

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Then I looked up and was confronted by none other than the schools Badboy, Daniel Smith.

OH Poo.

I might as well dig my grave now, I'm dead anyway.

Daniel Smith is the notorious Badboy of the school. People say he has beaten people up just for giving him funny looks. I however have never seen this but now I thoroughly believe it.

I looked straight into his green eyes.

Christ on a cracker, he is hot.

His height of 6.1ft, big build and nice muscles. This means he towers over me like a skyscraper. I'm sure you could actually cut yourself on his cheekbones alone. Wow his jaw line is actually perfect. His brown hair falls messy on his head. I can see how he has his choice of girls.

By this time, I realise I'm gawking, probably, knowing me, with my mouth open. Like a fish...

He opened his mouth to talk. I closed my eyes anticipating the worst.

“Watch where you're going nerdy.”

Was all he said? I must admit I was expecting worse.

I peeked open my eyes to find I was all alone in the long, spooky corridors.

Suddenly the bell interrupted my thought.

Shit! I'm late.

I got up and ran faster than a ninja to history. I prayed Miss Lee had by some miracle been delayed.

No such luck; I stumbled into the class room to be greeted by the class stickers and a very displeased teacher.

“Rosalind, you’re late.”

No sizzle Sherlock.

“Sit at that desk and if you are late again, you will spend your time making up for it. Understood. "

Ham second time someone has said understood today. I nodded and processed to the desk at the back next to the window. At this point I knew I was red, probably more like the shade of a ripe tomato. It's the first time I have never been late to anything.

No sooner than I had sat down, the door opened again to reveal Mr I'm so amazing Badboy himself.

“Sit there Daniel. Make sure you come and sit here at break too. "

It took me a while but I soon realised she was pointing to my desk. Can this day get any worse? I now have to sit next to the guy who made me late. Can I also get an aww?

He shrugged and sat down next to me. Daniel then proceeded to put his large feet on the desk. Jerk. I cannot stand people with no discipline, probably due to Martial Arts. I shot him a dirty look.

First he looked surprised, then he just pushed the boat out and delivered me a smirk. How kind.

If only he knew I could wipe that smirk off in the blink of an eye, it would then proceed to frown and lots of questions. Better not. So I just turned around and tried to ignore the plank.

The lesson processed normally until the last five minutes where Miss announced the project we are to be working on.

“Class, for part of your final grade, you are required to complete a research folder and a 10,000 word essays on your chosen time period and why it interests you.”

The whole class groaned. Why? It's only 10,000.

“You have to work with a partner-"

Heads throughout the class room shot up and signals we immediately sent between want to be partners. I just sank in my seat. Great partner work. I'm bursting with joy.

“However class, the exam board have chosen your partners already and there is changing. I will read out your names and you are free to go. It has to be complete in three weeks’ time. "

I sat in my seat waiting for my name to be called. I hoped it would be someone who actually works.

Then Miss Lee said something that made her go from one of the best teachers to one of the worst.

"Rosalind Jones and Daniel Smith.”

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