Chapter Eight

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Soon the bell had gone signalling the end of school. I went to my locker to grab the work I needed and to collect my coat. Slowly, I made my way to the library. I entered the double doors and proceeded to the tables. I loved the library. It reminded me of the one in Hogwarts. Old and full of books.

I sat down and got out all the research I had already done. I then pulled out 'Throne of Glass' and started to read to pass the time.

I honestly thought Daniel was going to be a no show. However after what I think was 15 minutes someone tapped my head. I turned round to be faced with Daniel smirking at me.

“What is your problem? I was reading? You could have just spoken to me. "

“No. That's not as fun. “Daniel replied smugly.

“Well let’s get this over with. I did some research yesterday on the Tudor density and Lady Jane Grey. We can do that if you want?"

“Sure. How much have you done? "

“All that we need to know for the project.  We just need to put it together in a folder and present it as we want.  We could do leaflets, posters and a power point. "

“Sure thing nerdy.”

I huffed. I'm just mind blown by his originality.

“Let’s just not speak. You can use the research there and do the leaflets. I will do the PowerPoint. "

“Great Mrs Nerd. What time we finish? "

“I have to be home by 5.”


“My private life is none of you concern." God he was nosy. I really didn't want to tell him about the whole karate stuff and I was not going to.

“It’s probably something that poor scatters like you do.”

Low. Even if I am not poor like they think, that's still a horrible thing to say. I turned away and went on the computer to do my work.

We continued our work in silence. Time flew quickly and soon enough it was 4:15 and I needed to go home.

I logged off and was about to leave until Daniel spoke.

“Where are you going?"

“Home. Like I said, God. You must be deaf."

“Shut up, you small little twerp.”

With that I stormed out of there. He insulted my height that was the final straw. I'm handy and pocket sized to be precise.

I was soon at the front of the school and at my sexy bike. I loved my bike, it's starting to get a bit battered but I still like it. I put one earphone in and started to listen to some fall out Boy.

I arrived home at 10 to 5 and dashed upstairs to get changes into my gym clothing. I looked for my phone to text Lilly but I could not find it. Shit. Ugh I will look for it after.

I dashed my way downstairs and warmed up waiting for my dad. I started with some stretches and a quick go on the cardio machine.



My dad had come up behind me, when I was not looking and thrown me on a mat.

“Dad that's not fair."

“Sure it is sweetie, how was your day?"

“Good. I made friends with the new girl. We are going shopping tomorrow. Her name is Lilly. I also had to do some after school project with a jerk.  "

“He better not touch you or he will have no face left, I'm sure you can handle him though. But that's great Hun! Your Mum will want to hear about that later and your need to tell her about Lilly. "

“Sure Daddy.”

"You ready?"

“I was born ready, ready to kick your old, slow ass.”

“Old! I prefer the term experienced. "

We then got into are starting stances ready to fight, I could not wait.

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