Chapter 39

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Rosalind’s POV

I ran back over to the group the adrenaline still running through my body. I was awake and loving the feeling of being alive. I used to feel like this a lot, when I did my karate but lately I seemed to be less energetic but recently everyone has brought me back to life.

Everyone applauded when I arrived back again, Joe ran up.

“That was amazing, you’re so strong, and I thought you were going to fall when you were at the top but you clung on and pulled yourself up, it was amazing! I’m speechless. Well I’m not but still.” Joe smirked up at me and I smiled back feeling slightly embarrassed.

Next up was Jake and he looked pale, it was funny, the normal; badass’ wannabe’ was scared of a little high.

I did feel bad for him though so I went up and put my hand on his shoulder and smiled up at him.

“It’s not as bad as it looks, actually it’s ridiculously fun. I can’t wait to do it again.”

A blush was present in his face as hooded up at me again.

I went a clipped myself into the harness to hold him to the tree securely, he may be jerk who kept it slack for me but two wrongs don’t make a right and I actually want to get along with everyone here, so maybe a fresh start with him will l be nice.


Jake and Daniel had been. Dan did protest at first but eventually came round to the idea and I did see a smile while he was doing it. Not a fake one but a real one that is rather rare to see. I must admit he looked very majestic sawing thought he air at the speed of speediness.

Next up was Joe, well it was him but he was protesting and looking like a ghost at the moment. I walked up to the tree he was snakingly trying to attach himself too.  I walked up and put my hand on top of his to steady him. Joes head shot up, and I could see from the corner of his eyes, tears were present.

“Joe. You don’t have to force yourself to do this if you don’t want to. No one will think your weak or laugh at you, it’s something you fear so building your confidence up one bit at a time is the way forward. Some people say you’re your should run before you can walk, but no in this case, Joe don’t do this, you will just find yourself getting stuck.”

“Thank you lilly, I feel happier now. I want to do this but I think I will take it a little at a time.” He smiled and stepped away from the tree.

I felt proud of him for having enough courage to say no.


Soon after everyone had had second turns, on my second turn I went upside down so my feet were above me. It was incredible and another best experience of my life.

I was now waling back yon the lunch area because we were going to swap activates with the other group. I wonder how Lilly did, it hank she will be alright Luke’s with her.

“Stop spacing out.” Dan had flicked my head as we were walking.

“Sorry I was thinking.”

“Don’t do that it’s dangerous.” He winked at me.

“Twat.” I pushed him. He pushed me back causing me to stumble and then fall over a tree root. What is my problem, all I do if fall, I huffed and accepted a chucking Dan’s hand, and he pulled me to my feet, so I could carry on walking.

Discussing anything and everything we walked back to camp to switch activities with the other group and eat lunch.

Lilly was sat waiting at the table with Luke eating a sandwich. I smiled at her, grabbed my lunch bad and walked over to her.

“So how was your time?” I asked them casually.

“It was amazing, you will love it Rose, the sea is freezing though, I know we had a wetsuit but still.”

“Yeah, its cold man but still it was a huge amount of fun.” Luke slapped Daniels back.

“Ahh sounds fun, I can’t wait what we were doing was also ridiculously fun, you need a head for heights though. How was your instructor?”
“ She is so nice, you will love her. She makes jokes a lot but yeah, she’s nice.”

“Was James alright?”

“He Was James.”

We finished lunch and got back into our groups, I gave Lilly a quick hug and stood next to Daniel in the group, ready for our next adventure.”

Liz spoke up. “So people, were going tombstoning, prepare to get wet, so if you have brought a wet suit please go change into it, if not follow me to try one on.”

With that we all parted ways to get changed.  I ran to my cabin and put on my clack wet suit with the light bright blue strips on the arms and legs. It was well fitting, showing off my curves, oh well, I don’t mind too much. I strutted out of the cabin to Dan. Who winked at me, I slapped his arm and ran off to the next experience of the week.


Wow guys, thanks, 17,000 reads. Unexpected! So this updates not perfect but I needed to update because I hadn’t in 2 weeks! I feel so bad, but I have been really busy, you know it but, mocks, mocks and more mocks. So I will try and get another update by the end of the week and hopefully it will be more exciting!

Bella xx

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