Chapter 32

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 Lilly’s POV

I will beat Rosalind! I want that food.

We were currently at the edge of the woods waiting for the signal to start. I'm not amazing with my map skills but I'm not as bad as Rosalind whoop, this gives me a small advantage over her. Don't get me wrong, I love here to bits but I want to win. I'm totally not competitive....

I looked around to see Rose arguing with Daniel over a map, hahaha. It’s so obvious that they like each other and I intend on teaser her to the max through this week. She denies it but anyone who spends more than 2 seconds with them can tell. It's ok as long as Dan does nothing to her or he will face the wrath of me. I would only be doing my duty as her best friend.

I have never had enough time to settle anywhere to make friends but now my parents have decided to settle here, I'm over the moon! It means now I can actually live like a teenager, rather than a mole who just lives in the dark away from everything. It all changed since I met her. We changed each other for the better and I could not be happier. Now other people have come into my life like Dan and Luke, so for once I have something worth fighting for.

Anyway back to my argument, I needed Luke to pay attention to what was going on. Unfortunately I'm a hypocrite, so as soon as I think that I feel someone pulling on my arm. Luke.

"Pay attention women." Oops, the signal had gone and people had scattered everyone.

"Ugh sorry, do you know where we need to go first?"

"Not exactly that's what the map is for."

"Well done you know the use of a map, would you like a gold medal."

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated." With that he flicked my for head, took the map and trotted off. How cocky. Still he made me smile.

I caught up to the cheater.

"So” I spoke, breaking the silence before it became awkward.


"Tell me something about yourself?"

"Really?” He joked.

"Well I don't know?"

"I'm only joking, so what do you want to know?"

"Anything to pass the time, we have to walk far, till the next point."

"Hmm, I'm not sure that I'm that interesting."

"Ok, well, what your favourite subject?"

"Art" He said as if it was the most definite things in his life.

"Boring but Art?! That's almost as surprising as Dan and maths."

"Hahaha yeah, I guess, so what about you?"


"Ok that was quick."

I smiled. "Yeah, I just love it, that and books, not as much as Rose but still enough. So how did you and Daniel meet?"
"Primary. We were the outsiders, different from the rest due to the fact we were 'scary' and since then we were inseparable troublemakers."


After about an hour of just talking and collecting the different points we were done. To be honest how surprised I was at Luke, whenever he is with Dan, he is a jokily flirt but here I can see how he is actually really nice and I really like that. That's doesn't mean Dan is bad, just it's an observation.
As I said, we had finished running and running round the forest until all points were collected and we were heading back when we caught a glimpse of two people. Suddenly feeling like a ninja I hid behind a tree to watch.
Ouch, it was Rosalind and Daniel, ha-ha. They were having an argument, I just listened in.
"This is your fault we are lost!"
"My fault? You have the map!"
"You gave it to me. "
"We still need to find 2 points.”
I was about to start laughing very loudly when a hand covered mouth. I was a going to scream, that was until I saw Luke with his finger over his lips.
"Shh, I'm listening."
We sat and listened to their hilarious arguments until they had decided to go a certain direction.
“Hahah, that was too funny.” Luke joked.
“Yeah, it was, come on. I want to be first. “With that insensitive I dragged Luke, Who was moaning along back to the start.
Before any time she had reached the camp, Where James was sat reading. He had built an area for a camp fire with sticks and stuff. It's kind of funny because he really hates Rose, but I guess he is ok, so far that is.
“We finished.” I spoke. He looked up at me then took my sheet. "Good, good. You were first team back so you will get first dibs at tea. You can stay in your tent or over there. "
He pointed to the camp fire. I thanked him and went over there. I had sorted out my tent already. Luke joined me in waiting for the rest of the group. One by of one they arrived and what a surprise, Rose was last.
I would be a sympathetic but at friend but it was too funny. I went up to her and just laughed. She jokingly hit me but a smile was fighting its way onto her face. Luke and Daniel were smiling too. What a change to be surrounded by people, it was nice.


Ok so, I fancied a change and thought Lilly's POV would be fun at this moment in time. I just want to say a big thank you for the 10K reads. Let me just repeat that. 10K. Wow, that's so many! So next goal is 15K, not sure if I can do it but worth a try :)
Vote and comment thanks.
Bella xx

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