Chapter Nine

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I'm going to write the next 2 chapters as Daniels P.O.V to shake things up.

Daniels P.O.V.

Earlier that day...

The Bell had rung signalling time to do work with the nerdy. God she is an annoying know it all.

I slowly drifted to the library whist talking the time to look at the popular girls getting into their cars.

Shannon was a horrible bitch but she was probably the fittest person in school. But how she knew it and her clothes clearly showed that off. Not that I minded.

I eventually made it to the library and to Rosalind.

Guess what she was doing. Reading. I totally never saw that coming. Note the sarcasm.

I walked up to her and she still did not notice, to get her attention I tapped the back of her head. She dropped her book and turned to glare at me.

Wow. I could not tear my gaze from her eyes they were bright blue and mesmerizing.

I smirked at her reaction.

“What is your problem? I was reading? You could have just spoken to me. "

She simply glared at me.

“No. That's not as fun. “I said still with a smirk on my face. I loved getting under her skin. It was so easy.

“Well let’s get this over with. I did some research yesterday on the Tudor density and Lady Jane Grey. We can do that if you want?"

Rosalind replied confidently.  It caught me off guard.

“Sure. How much have you done? "

“All that we need to know for the project.  We just need to put it together in a folder and present it as we want.  We could do leaflets, posters and a power point. "

“Sure thing nerdy.”

Bloody hell! She did all that research in one night. How? She must have spent hours. She is such a nerd but I can't help admire her. I could never concentrate for that amount of time.

“Let’s just not speak. You can use the research there and do the leaflets. I will do the PowerPoint. "

Well that plan works for me.

“Great Mrs Nerd. What time we finish? “I replied with my nickname for her that suited perfectly.

“I have to be home by 5.” Excitement flashed in her face but it was gone too quickly.

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