Chapter 41

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Rosalind's PoV

"Ok Rosalind. You're first, are you ok at this high or do you want to go down? "

"Nah, I'm good here."

"Ok then, come here and I will explain what you're going to do and show the others too."

I'm excited now, the water below looks inviting. It's warm and the sun is out. It makes the sea look a tropical green colour and the rocks seem to sparkle.

" Ok, it is pretty simple jump outwards into the water, you can have your arms crossed over your chest of you like. When you resurface, swim to the edge of the rocks here and carefully climb out. Can you do that?"

I nodded in reply and smiled. Dan patted me on the shoulder.

"You can go. " Liz said in a happy tone.

So I did. I let all the anxiety go and jumped off the cliff. I flew threw the air feeling like a bird while my hair danced above me in a crazed motion. Then it stopped. I plopped into the water with a small splash to accompany me. It was cool and I was unbelievably happy to be in a wetsuit. I gathered my bearings under the cool clear water before slowly swimming to the top to resurface. Gasping for air, I opened my eyes to help me swim in a correct direction to the rocks.

Clasping the edge of the smooth cool rock and laughed at how reckless I felt. However I did not look graceful, more like a seal on land, waddling to the sea. Nevertheless I was out and happy as I clambered up to everyone else, who clapped as I rejoined. If it was possible my smile grew.

"Well done Rose, so who's next?"


I was currently sat round an unlit campfire after regrouping and eating. We had finished the tombstoning and I had really enjoyed it. Everyone had a go, it turned into mini competition as to who could jump furthest and highest. Daniel won but only because he is a whole ft taller that me. Stupid little legs.

We all had eaten tea, which consisted of meatballs and pasta and was actually very nice. So that is how you find us here, sat round a fire ready to be given further instructions from James.

"Ok happy people, we're sleeping in the cabins tonight," I high five Lilly. "You don't have to sleep exactly in the rooms we put you in if you're not happy just as long as one person is not sleeping alone."

I just nodded at Lilly thinking the same thing as her. There are four bunk beds and four of us in our mini group. Dan and Luke seemed to have the same thought because they nodded in our direction too.

"You have 30 minutes again to get a shower and changed into your sleep wear it you wish, before it gets dark. Meet us on the beach in exactly 30 minutes. "

Yes, we get it. 30 minutes. Sighing, we all slowly wandered over there. Lilly decided it was the same as yesterday, I would shower first and her second.

I am now singing again in the cold shower; you would think yesterday's experience would have taught me but nah, I have no more shits to give. I was midway through the chorus of 30STM 'Kings and Queens' when an oh too familiar voiced his opinion.

"I love your voice Rosalind, it's funny how I can identify you even if I can't see you. "

"Sure Daniel. It's really funny. " Sarcam was laced in my voice and dripped of every syllable. " Now if you don't mind, let me finish my shower in peace!"

"Ok sugar lump. "

"Have we not dropped the name yet?" I commented in a frustrated mood.

"Nope, never gonna happen. "

I sighed and quickly finished my shower and got changed into my rather revealing pjs. In the cabin I found Lilly and Luke sat on the bottom bunks conversing. Awww.

"I see you have made yourself at home. " I joked to Luke.

"Of course, Dan and I are staying here. "

I just smiled and nodded as I trotted to the bathroom to clean my teeth. When I returned from the bathroom with sparking teeth, Luke and Lilly had gone and instead I found Daniel, sat on my top bunk.

"Hey! That's my bed. "

"Not anymore." He smirked and climbed down to clean his teeth, not forgetting to wink at me while passing then laughing after when I blushed a deep purple colour.


We were now all clean and in our casual wear on the beach, waiting for James and Liz to tell us what we are doing next. I was starting to get a little slow and sleepy. So I really don't wanna do much exercise tonight..

"Ok people, tonight is going to be an hide and seek sort of game with some objects. " James started to explain but Liz cut in

" Yes, we have a list of objects you need to find and retrieve back to us. They are located between here and the cabins. You have 10 clues in total and ten objects to collect. Easy right? Not exactly, the clues are not exactly easy and we have switched your team's round. Here's the list. "

She put a list in front of me and I was shocked to find my name with Jake. I guess it's a chance to start again? I made eye contact with him as he winked. Joy. Daniel tensed beside me,well he is strange. I looked up at him with a confused expression.

"If he trys anything, just let me know and he won't have a head left. "

"It's ok Daniel, I will be fine. "

He sighed but nodded, well this should be fun.


There may be a few mistakes but oh well I was writing this at 11:00 on a coach... never the less it's an update.

Thank you so much anyway, remember to vote or comment.

Bella xx

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