Chapter 24: Innocents (Jennie)

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My head is pounding as I flutter my eyes to open. As another wave of pain screeches my skull, I can't help but shut my eyes off again. Oh my God, how could I drink passed my limit? I peeked with my one eye, just to confirm I'm in the right place. Great, I'm inside my room, away from whatever pranks. Glad I made it here I probably had the nerve to lock my room as well. I closed my eyes again and deeply breathed. Argh! This unpleasant feeling after having the night of your life!

I groaned as I heard loud knocks on my door. Now what? I'm not sure I'm thankful I locked it.

"Unnie! Unnie! Open up!"

Ugh, Roseanne why! I covered my ears with pillows hoping Chaeng will just go away without hearing from me. Please Roseanne, assume I'm still asleep. I'm too weak to shift my body to the side.

"Jennie unnie you need to hurry open this door!" That and restless knocking is driving me crazy.

"Wait!" I half yelled. I stomped my way to get the door. "This better be importa-" my mouth stopped giving out the word and time as if froze as I opened the door to see a Chaeyoung Knotsford with a face full of doodles, her hair disheveled. She just woke up, that I'm sure of.

"Unnie! Lisa wants me to get you. She said the both of you will go down town and you're already late!" She pulled my arms and was about to bring me out my room  but I tugged her with me causing her to lose her balance. She stumbled but good thing I caught her, "Not too fast, Roseanne."

"No Jenjen unnie you need to come with me. Have breakfast first."

I managed to pull her in and shut my door close behind her. I guided her to my full length mirror and let her see herself. Her eyes went big and face turned red, not long her brow furrowed and she's ready to pick up a fight with whoever doodled on her face. "THIS IS FUCKIN INSANE! LISAAAAAAAA!" She stormed her way out and my shitty drunk ass tailed her. She is really fuming but I don't know if I'll be scared for Lisa or I'll laugh and roll on the floor. My hangover soon to be forgotten.

"Happy Innocent's Day, Chaeng!" Lisa greeted the descending Roseanne with open arms and a stupid grin in her face is shamelessly plastered. I saw Jisoo cleaning up the mess in the living room, Seulgi and Chanyeol helping her but they were laughing too. I figured they all slept in the living room, all vulnerable for the annual prank. Our three companions last night could've managed to get home.

"Run!" Jisoo urged our maknae.

"I will kill you Lisa!" Roseanne flee and chased after Lisa who in her also drunk state is running as crazy avoiding our superstar's reach.

See that? That's the reason why I tried my hardest to stay away from anyone after our home-made clubbing last night which, by the way, stretched until 1 AM. I was fully aware of the date and was on the dodge mode from any prank which will be caused by anyone. Great job, Ruby Jane.

The two were still running around and Lisa was already calling time out but her victim's still glaring at her and showing no sign of cease fire. I went to Jisoo and kissed her cheek good morning. "I woke up at the attempt," she said when I was about to ask her about the small green paint on her nose. I chuckled and helped them finish cleaning up. "Mom and Dad went to the flower shop. You promised you're cooking for us today, Jen."

"Right. Sorry. Are you guys okay for just brunch?"

"All pleased, Chef." Chanyeol did the hand salute.

“I got you painkillers for your throbbing head, Jen.”

“Thanks, Chu.”

“You’re welcome. Go back to your room and rest. We’ll wash the dishes.”

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