Chapter 22: Progress (Jisoo)

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"Unnie... why is Nini not around yet?" Chaeng is being extra loud this morning. I'm not sure if it's because of the French macaroons she just finished in just a span of 5 minutes or energy level reached its maximum in a jiffy.

"Aishhhh Chaeng! You're so noisy!!!" I covered my ears. "And please don't drop the honorifics. Jen jen won't like to hear it."

She arched her eyebrow, "But I said Nini-unnie."

"Alright. Just please don't talk when your mouth is full so I can understand what you say better."

A voice breaks in. "I can hear you from upstairs." Jennie go down the stairs and chuckled to see a surprised Chaeyoung. She threw herself at her and she's lovingly welcomed in an embrace. "You were already asleep when I arrived last night, Roseanne."

"You mean, midnight?" I corrected her.

Her lips curved into a smile and shyly nodded, "Yeah around midnight. We had a situation in the restaurant that's why. Sorry for that. Anyways, you guys ready to help me pack some goodies?"

"Aren't we cooking?" I asked her. We always help her cook.

"Let's wait for Lisa. For now, let's prepare the Christmas loot bags for kids." She was about to drag Chaeng and I with her to the living room when I tugged her to sit down beside me. "But first, breakfast." I pushed a glass of avocado smoothie to her which she giddily accepted.

"Eew," Chaeyoung's battle with avocados is on a different level. She can't seem to like the poor guacamole no matter how her sisters love it. Jen bit her arm as she's seated on her lap. Gosh, Chaeyoung is a cuddle monster I'm telling you. "I missed you, unnie." Even with a disgusted face over the smoothie, she managed to grab the glass and brought the drinking tube to Jennie's mouth.

"Honey!" Mom called out from the dirty kitchen.

"Mom!" The three of us replied. Honey is generic. It could be any one of us as long as she's heard. Whoever's not deaf automatically gets the memo.

"Please call your father! We lack some firewood!"

"Alright mom!" I audibly answered and threw Chaeng a knowing look.

"Why does it have to be me?"Chaeng grumbled.

"We're still having breakfast here and you're the one who's stuffed already. Go get dad." I coolly told her. With a pout in her face, she pulled away from Jennie and strut towards the library. "...and Chanyeol, too. I'm sure he'd love to help dad carry some fire woods." I added. I just earned a scowl from her.

"Mom just can't give up some traditional cooking," Jennie uttered as she had a spoonful of my cereals. "Hmm? This is good ha. You baked macaroons, right? I saw your IG story."

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