Chapter 8: White Noise (Jennie)

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After a dragging snail-like travel back home, we finally arrived at the mansion.

"You really suck at driving," I told Lisa and hugged mom and dad who were waiting for us at the gate. I asked our guard to bring my car to the garage since I'm not sure if my lady driver's still in the mood to step on the gas. I am the one who has motion sickness but she's dizzy as hell.

"Are you okay, honey?" Daddy asked her and she touched her forehead. "You are tired. C'mon you two. Let's eat."

"Daddy, can you convince Jennie to drive automatic cars? I really don't get it why she'd stick to sticks." This girl. We're walking side by side but she's talking to Daddy about her problem with me. Lol. Our father just had this poker face. I almost laughed. Mom lovingly tapped my back, It's her way of telling me not to barge in the conversation. We're enjoying this side of Lisa.

"Lalisa, how about you learn how to drive manual cars like a pro? I can teach you."

"Dad, how about you buy me a yacht?"

"Are you serious? I'll phone the agent right now."

"I'm just kidding! You don't have to teach me dad. I'll never drive a manual again, plus you're a terrible teacher. You don't go easy on your student even if she's your daughter."

Mom and I burst into laughter. We remember the day that daddy took care of Lisa and Roseanne's driving lessons. Lisa was crying because she always gets a good scolding.

"Dad, I'll just take care of it. She actually doesn't need a rigid training. She was doing fine earlier. Look at us, we arrived safe."

"You just told me that I suck at driving, fyi." Oh my God, that smug in her face haha! She's really sensitive when she's hungry.

I wanna teleport so we're in the dining already. My sister's tantrum's gonna explode in a jiffy.

"How is your sister doing in Thailand? Is she eating well? Jisoo's a bit skinny nowadays." Mom is great with changing topics, er?

"Mommy, she's doing well," Lisa nonchalantly replied.

"What's wrong? Did the two of you fight?"

She just shook her head as a reply. What a kiddo.

Lisa's mood changed as soon as we arrived at the dining table. Mom has prepared a sumptuous meal! We have laksa, chicken rice, steamed dumplings, sushi and kebab. This is a  feast! It's one of the good things to expect every weekend--- you go home to your mom's cooking.

"Lisa." I tapped her hand.

"Oh. Sorry." She behaved and said a prayer.


I was playing with Kuma and Kai when I heard soft knocks on my door. Kuma jumped out of the bed and welcomed the person he loves to annoy. He was ready to bark at her nonstop when Lisa showed him who she's carrying. Lily! Oh, how I adore Lily so much. Kuma loves her, too. Whenever he's around Lily, he would gently play with her. Sometimes he'd just look at her and let her play or eat. My smitten boy.

"Play with my baby, you little monster." Lisa told Kuma. She put Lily on the sofa. "Hello there, my angel Kai..." she cooed. Kai seemed delighted with Lisa's presence. When she walked towards the bed, Kai left me and jumped to Lisa. "You missed me? You missed me? Awwww such a cutie baby..."

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