Chapter 6: A Visit and A Favor (Jisoo)

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Bangkok, Thailand

“Unnie, what’s taking you so long?” An annoyed yet sweet voice asked from the other line. I can’t believe I’m answering phone calls in the middle of my board meeting. I glanced at the producer who’s doing his presentation in front and noticed he’s almost done. I motioned my assistant to  take charge while I step out. The presentation is good as approved anyway. We were just going through minor revisions.

“I replied with your text messages, were they not enough? I told you I’m on a meeting,” I calmly explained.

It was like an hour ago. You told me you’ll finish after a few minutes. Unnie I’m hungry.”

“Lisa, there’s plenty of food there and if there’s anything else you want to eat, you know you can ask Butler.”

“Gin khao laew ruu yaang? You sound chill. Anyways, I asked Butler to drive me to KBC. I’m waiting for you here in your office.”

“Of course I am hungry already,” I answered her favorite line in Thai. So she’s in my office right now. Wait… huh? “You what? Alright, wait for me there.”

I sent a message to my assistant and left the conference hall. I checked my watch. It says 30 minutes past 6. No wonder the maknae sounds like a baby with tantrums now. I’m starving as well.

She ran to me as soon as I opened the door. “Unnie!!!” Oh my God, this hugger machine can choke me anytime.

I had to pull away from her embrace for my safety. Lol. “You’d kill me.”

“Let’s have dinner?” She asked, dismissing my remark. She knows that eventhough we call her out for always embracing us so much, we are in fact enjoying it everytime.

“Of course," I replied. This is all about dinner, isn't it? "But let’s talk about this first,” I tugged the hem of her short shorts. “You flew all the way from the Philippines just wearing this? Who are you, are you Jennie?”

“Something just came up,” she answered calmly.

“Did you pee your pants?”

“What?! Eew.”

Alright, I'm overdoing it but why not. This ain't her. “Then what happened? You know that I don’t like seeing you girls like that. I can see your soul from here. Go to my closet and change your clothes.”

“But unnie I’m so hungry.”

“Either you change into something decent or I’ll leave you here.” I had to give her that stern warning because she's using her aegyo maknae card right now.

“Fine.” She stomped her way to the walk-in closet. Glad I have it inside my office.

“And while you’re at it. Let me just go back to the conference room. Meet me at the lobby!”

“Yes, Boss!” She answered from the inside.


I made a reservation at Le Normandie of the Mandarin Oriental hotel as soon as I bid farewell to my team. I just wanna enjoy the river view right now.

As I approached the elevator, I saw Lisa talking to my bodyguard and the latter’s big smile made me nervous. He handed her something and left the lobby. How dare him not wait for me.

“Unnie!” Lisa waved at me holding a car key. Oh my God… “I told your bodyguard to enjoy the weekend. I also asked him for this.”

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