Chapter 5: Unwell, Loved Well (Rosé)

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I can’t believe that both digital and physical copies of my album are doing well. It has been 2 months since its release and I’m still getting invitations here and there. I hope I did well earlier and didn't forget people to thank during my taping with the midnight crew today.

“Rosé, don’t forget about the IG live you should be doing tonight at 8 pm, okay?” My handler reminded me as I walked towards the elevator. I had to hurry to go get Jennie from her restaurant. She hurt her ankle again but refused to go to the hospital without mommy and daddy. Mom called me and I already volunteered even before she asked me to check up on my sister since it’d take them a long time to see her.

She’s afraid of hospitals and that’s a serious case in there. My sister’s a toughie but there are things that she just can’t outgrow. As soon as the elevator opened, I ran to where my car is. “Hey,” I called her while I maneuvered going out the basement. “Did you bring your pain killers?”

“I left them at the condo,” she replied and I can imagine how she winced enduring the pain. “Are you coming over? Aren’t you busy?” This girl. How can she worry about me more than with her condition right now?

“I just finished taping for the midnight show,” I answered.

“I told you not to call and drive. You’re driving, aren’t you?” Oh-oh, that’s a dead-on additional decibels in there. “I’m gonna hang up-“

“Wait!” I pulled over and continued to talk to her. “I just had the car stalled,” I heard her sigh from the other line. “I have a copy of your prescription. I’m just gonna buy your meds before I see you and then we go to the hospital, okay?”


“Just hang in there.”

“Drive safely. Love you.”

“I will. Love you.”

Things were easier when Jennie had Jisoo around. They actually share this lavish condo unit and takes care of each other well. Jisoo unnie takes care of us all and she’s the best at it. I’m not even close to her caretaking skills I'm telling you. But I’m trying.

Jennie has motion sickness. The one that's followed by difficulty of breathing. The only thing she enjoys in motion is when she drives her car like a drag racer. She got her ankle injury during an anxiety attack abroad. She was doing a fashion show for Chanel when she tripped. Our parents were there supporting her and were horrified when that happened. Some articles were saying that someone pushed her. When we asked about it, Jennie assured us that it didn’t happen. The three of us believed her because if ever it was true, I’m sure that a bitch could’ve paid triple time for what she did. We can go take off our halos anytime for our sister.

My phone buzzed and saw Lisa’s name in it. Speaking of the devil… I had to answer else she'll call nonstop. "Ya! I’m driving.”

“Oops sorry! I’ll call again later haha!”

The line went dead right away. That lil monster. I wonder what she’s up to again.

I saw one pharmacy and parked nearby. With a hoodie, a face mask and a baseball cap, I went inside and bought Jennie’s medicines including the patch for her wrist and behind the ear. She should have them everywhere in case of emergency. I also picked bottles of red gensing for my sisters.


“Can you do a proper medication this time, Nini?” Lisa's talking to her while I drive us to the hospital. The two of them are at the backseat.

“You know I can’t be away for long. The restaurants-“

“The restaurants are doing well what are you saying?”

“I still have one show to do in Thailand and a shoot for an endorsement in South Korea. They’re on my contract so I’m doing them before the last quarter. I can't postpone it forever.”


Lisa is taking control now. This is what I like about her. She bosses around when the situation calls for it. She called Jisoo about the plan and based from what I can hear, our sister agrees with her. If you ask me, I’m in as well though I’m sure there’s some plot twist in there.

“Remember the last time we went to Thailand together?” Lisa asked when she finished talking to the phone. This is what it's about. You follow where this goes.

“It was a long time ago when Jisoo relocated,” I replied.

“I knew there’s something with your plan, Lalisa.” Jen squinted, her eyes on slits now and even gritted her pearly white teeth. “How can you make my therapy sound like a vacation?”

Since I’m their personal driver right now, I can only watch them through the mirror. They look so funny at the moment. Jen would cringe sometimes because of her injury and would slap the space between her and Lisa everytime she finishes her sentence.

“Oooh.. but admit it, you want us around. Of course, you’d want us around.”

“Excuse me? I’m fine with Jisoo around while I recuperate.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Bu that’s the truth.”

“Whistle once and I’ll believe you.”

Jennie tried but failed. Lalisa wins. I won as well. I won’t let her be away from us that long.

“We’re here,” I announced.

“Chaeng, drop us at the emergency room before you park,” Lisa suggested.

Now I’m extra grateful that Lisa is with us. She's really of big help.

“Get me a wheelchair, maknae.” Jennie had to say that because she knows that our youngest would carry her in a jiffy.

“Tell me first that you’re okay with a therapy in Thailand,” Lisa crossed her arms, waiting for Jennie to confirm.

Jen exasperated, couldn’t believe that words of honor is more important to Lisa now compared to her aching ankle. “FINE. I will be doing my therapy in Thailand. Happy? Now get me my wheelchair.”

“Aye aye, Captain.” Lisa heeded with a cheeky smile.

“Psh." She looked at Lisa calling for assistance. "See you inside, Roseanne. Thank you so much.”

“All for you, Ruby Jane.”

A hospital staff prepared the wheelchair for Jennie but Lisa didn’t allow the poor guy to touch our sister. “Please hold the handles. I’ll be carrying my sister and help her settle on it. Make sure that little seat won’t run when I put her on.”

I heard Jennie said crazy under her nose.

Hahaha! I rolled all windows down so I can see them clearly outside. I can’t name the guy’s expression. There’s admiration in his eyes, frustration, disbelief and point blank all at once. Jennie is in a hoodie just like me. You can’t tell it’s her right away. But Lisa is looking all beautiful in a plain white V-neck shirt and a pale denim pants. Her untied long blond hair and light make up scream perfection. The guy must be mesmerized of what's infront of him.

“Don’t you know that it’s rude to stare?” She told the guy after she put Jennie down. Poor guy. “Lemme push this thing and just guide me where to go.”

The uniformed chinito hesitated at first but eventually let Lisa do her thing. Yes, our girl can be intimidating sometimes.

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