Chapter 3: One Magical Night (Jisoo)

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"Unnie..." Jennie wiped my tears. I didn't notice that I'm crying. My heart is filled with so much pride and love as I watch Chaeng on stage, living her dream. "You wanna take this?" Jennie lovingly said, her eyes also misted.

"Why are we even crying? It's not even a sad song." I said as I accepted her hanky.

"Because we love her."

I couldn't agree more.

When Chaeng broke the news to me, I blocked my calendar right away. I knew I shouldn't miss this for the world! I always see to it that I'm present around them in times like this just like how they always show up for me in my milestones.

It hasn't been easy for Chaeng. Our parents would not allow her to enter the entertainment industry. They've been wary about it because that time, Jennie's doing lots of fashion shows abroad and the world was as if claiming her. My parents weren't paranoid about it. Not that I know of. They just felt like they can't protect her when she's out there. And they don't want to experience the same thing with Chaeng. My parents tend to be overprotective. The three of us would convince mom and dad to allow Chaeyoung do her stuffs only to be disappointed every time.

That's why Chaeng left home. And that, my friends, was the game changer. She opened her own music studio. She has funds, you know. She lived independently. I knew it was hard for her because she loves our parents so much, but she has to do it for her dreams.

That's the thing about passion. No matter how you suppress it, it will just continue to overflow. You can't contain it forever. 

Our parents' love is larger than life itself and Chaeyoung's too. We just woke up one day that everything's back to normal, now with extraordinary love. Jennie may not admit it, but I knew she has spoken to mom and dad nonstop. If there's someone who understands the situation well, that's her. She adores Chaeyoung so much. We all do.

"We love you, Rosé!"

A group of people screamed and raised their banner. The fans love her so much, too.

I am always soft for Chaeng's music, but it hits differently when she sings while playing the piano and now, I'm at my softest. Jennie whispered, careful not to disturb the people behind us. "I bet Chaeng will be surprised." I gently nodded, "She'd cry," I replied. I glanced at mom and daddy. Their hands intertwined.

The stage turned dark, and flickers of light showed up one by one from above. It's as if we're set on a stargazing date. After a few seconds, the spotlight was on, and it revealed an angel behind a golden piano. The stadium's full of clapping again but it was just for a moment. The next thing there was a bolt of silence full of anticipation. She'll be performing the cover of a song that paved the way for her stardom--- Eyes Closed. The melody is just divine.

I felt Jennie's head rested on my shoulder.

I, I know where to lay
I know what to say
It's all the same
And I, I know how to play
I know this game
It's all the same

The stage now has been filled with low lights as a boy and a girl perform a contemporary dance to Chaeng's singing.

Now if I keep my eyes closed he looks just like you
But he'll never stay, they never do
Now if I keep my eyes closed he feels just like you
But you've been replaced
I'm face to face with someone new

I can see that she's into it up to this moment. Not until her platform's raised higher and she glanced at the LED screen where it shows the dancers. I knew she smiled. I knew the sound she makes when she smiles and sings at the same time.

I would've gave it all for you, cared for you
So tell me where I went wrong
Would've gave it all for you, cared for you
(My lover, my liar)
Would've traded all for you, there for you
So tell me how to move on
Would've traded all for you, cared for you
My lover...

You see, she's been bugging Lisa to dance for her but the latter's firm No would always get in the way. The four of us used to go to ballet school. Good old days. I think it runs in the blood? Mom's a ballerina.

"When did Lisa practiced the routine?" I asked Jennie, my eyes still fixed on stage.

"This morning, with me."

"And with that guy?"

"This afternoon."

"Oh. Our baby's a genius."

"She is."

This surprise for Chaeng actually costs a lot. I had to give Lisa a new car just to give in to a request. I wonder how our youngest was doing in her company until she asked me for a trade. She's doing pretty well. Her savage business outlook scares me. She'll be the richest Knotsford in the family in no time. Our baby knows how to deal.

But Lisa, being Lisa. She just doesn't want to appear so soft for Chaeyoung. They may bicker all the time, but they are each other's best friend. We all knew it. We just don't let her know that we know. She gets in-denial on that part.

The song finished and a deafening roar in the crowd filled my heart. My tears started to fall again as I join everyone's standing ovation. My sister is really nailing her concert. I can't wait for us to spend the rest of the night in Chaeng's pad. Our parents suggested that we stay there since they knew that our superstar's probably tired for a long drive home. As if she'll retire the night as soon as we get home, yeah? Tss. Not with us around.

The concert continued for another hour and our youngest's back to her seat. It's a seat next to mine. Yes, I'm a filling to a sandwich now with my two sisters as the loaves. "Unnie, did they flash my face on the screen?"

"Yes, but just a second perhaps. Don't worry, it was dark. No one recognized you except us."

"Great. They know how to follow conditions."

"So, you're shy now?"

She scoffed. "I just don't want to be talked about. What will the people in my company say?"

"That you're gorgeous and talented, duh?" Right. Jennie has to say it. "We are so proud of you."

"I'm not comfortable. I just did that for Chaeyoung." She admitted as she slipped her arm and leaned her head against me.

"Whoa... did I hear it right?" Jennie's gummy smile is a give-away that she's ready for a teasing moment.

I smiled. "I thought you did that for the new car?"

"Of course, I did dance for the car. There's no way I'd do Chaeng a grand favor," Lisa rolled her eyes.

Jennie was about to say something but I covered her mouth with my hand and reassured our baby Lisa. "Of course. For the car." That stopped my two lovely sisters and started to focus on watching Chaeyoung again. I could barely move because these two's sticking to me like glue but I missed them so who am I to complain?

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