Chapter 7: Under my Watch (Lisa)

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I’d love to think that I was wrong all along. The moment I saw someone tailing Jennie’s car, I knew that she’s in danger. Actually, there had been series of suspicious things that were happening when she began to minimize going out of the country for modeling stints. I am still working on a major case but I won’t let it get in the way when it comes to taking care of my family.

Jennie was about to go to Thailand to personally talk to the doctor and set the appointment. Something just came up so she asked me to rebook her flight. I did, but I went to Thailand. I need to confirm something. I put on a disguise and occupied her seat. Jisoo unnie was actually surprised when she heard from me the moment the plane landed. She was about to have me fetched but I refused. I hailed a cab, making my assumed identity vulnerable to whatever threat along the way.

When I noticed someone following me discreetly, that’s when I confirmed things. I made the person believe that I’m clueless. I asked the cab driver to follow my instruction so I can catch the bad guy. He dropped me at the market and I told him to wait for me near the train station. I couldn’t believe that the bad guy was actually falling into my trap. I hate wearing short pants but, in my attempt to solve something, I need to copy Jennie. I went straight to Auntie Jay Fai for a visit and a reservation for the evening. 

I noticed the same guy was following me so I looked for a short-cut and caught him in an alley. He shot me and my upper abdomen caught the bullet. Good thing, I’m wearing bullet-proof vest underneath. He should’ve learned martial arts so I won’t be of much advantage. Getting him was easy-peasy. His shot in his right leg ended it. Shock’s written all over his face when he saw me. Surprise, asshole. Just a few seconds later, police men picked him up. “Tell Boss, this one is on me. I'll be reporting in a few.” That was all I had to say to dismiss them.

Coincidence or whatever, I’m also working on something for a new show which is having troubles lately. I had to make necessary phone calls and video conference to start solving it. When I came up with a decision, I messaged my sister Jisoo about us having dinner together. She said she’ll be in a hurry and will go home after her meeting. I was really tired that I wasn’t able to fight my sleepiness. My abdomen hurts that's why I took some pain killers. I guess that made me dose off.

I woke up around 6 without a getting a single response from Jisoo unnie so I took the initiative to go to her, unannounced.

The next few days were full of arguments. We didn’t fight though. We were just discussing how she’s supposed to move on from Nadech like a pro. Jisoo has dated a lot of guys and she never had problem getting over them. I just don’t understand why she’s getting so worked up right now.


“Lalisa, why are you here? How’s Jisoo?” Jennie sat beside me and ate the waffle I brought for her. I just arrived from Thailand. Went straight here to check up on her.

“You should be asking how I am first but yeah, I can see that the waffles are more important. Like it?”

She scoffed upon hearing sarcasm in my reply but she continued eating and didn’t speak until she finished them. “Thank you,” she sweetly uttered. “So why the sudden visit? Are you okay? You seem baffled a while ago.”

“I’m just thinking about our newest project.”

“Oh. I didn’t even know you’re flying to Thailand. So how was it?”

“It didn’t go well. I need to think of another way else it will be shelved. I just can’t afford to do it because it really has great potential. I only have that artist from Seoul in my mind and when he backed out, I thought Nadech oppa is a good replacement.”

“Wait Lisa, stop calling him oppa. He’s not going to be your brother-in-law anymore.”

“Sorry. Habits.”

“Just shelve it.”

“No. I’m sure I can think of another way. It’s just for 2 episodes anyway. We can do the taping with the guest in one day.”

“What are you actually looking for?”

“A young blood who has a global impact.”

“I have friends whom I can ask if you want. But,” she said as she stood up and grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and gave me one, “let’s discuss this after I get my bag. We need to reach home before it gets dark.”

I nodded and stretched on the sofa. Aw my back hurts. “Jennie unnie! I’ll drive your car, okay?!”

“Yes, poopoo!” She yelled from her bed room. Oh, that was easy.

I sent mom a message and she texted back right away. I miss mommy’s cooking and daddy’s corny jokes, plus the taekwondo school. I have the weekend to spend with them. I’ll let my work dilemma take its back seat for a while.

“I’m ready!” She’s always excited to go home. I stared at her and wonder how a person can even think of harming her. She’s such a sweet soul. “Are you sure you get to drive this time?” She asked again. She always worry about my driving more than she worries about her revving speed as if I'm not the careful one. 

“Yes. Let’s go.”

“You’re extra nice to me, huh? Should I get nervous?”

I almost spill my worries about her stalker when she asked. I sharply breathed. “I’m extra nice because I’m thinking if I can guest you on the show?” WHAT ON EARTH I AM SAYING RIGHT NOW?

She cringed.

“I’m just joking.”

“Good. Because I’m not gonna do it.”

“Now, that sure hurts. You’re not gonna do it even if I beg you?”

“Yeah. Well, unless you teach me taekwondo.”

Oh. Here we go again. This has been the argument since immemorial. “I’ll just teach you how to fire a gun. Martial arts will injure you.”

“I’m not that frail, okay?”

“Yeah right, tell that to your leg.”

“I’ll be on a therapy, remember? Of course this will be okay in no time. Are you not really going to teach me? I’m ready to trade a service. A taekwondo lesson from you and I’m doing the show.” She flaunts her dress, turned around and posed as if she’s doing it for a photo line. Everything in her is screaming perfection, style and influence. She’s followed by millions, for pete's sake! Even the former US President Obama is a fan of hers. “If you think about it, I’m really doing you A HUGE FAVOR,” she added.

“Hey! You’re really bragging too much right now.”

She laughed and profusely nodded. “Sorry, I overdone it. I’m gonna stop. Haha!”

I hugged her. The threat is still on my head. Actually, getting her work for me is not a bad idea at all. Why didn’t I seriously think of it? If I want to protect her, she has to stay on my watch and this is a good turn out of events. “That’s fine. You never brag about yourself anyways," I deeply breathed, "Alright, a formal taekwondo lesson in exchange of your guesting. You’re really doing me a big favor.”

“You know that I always got your back.”

I pulled away and smirked, “Jisoo unnie told me the same thing but Nadech was the game changer. I can't believe she scares the hell out of me.”

Jennie slightly pushed me. “Cut her some slack. You know she loves you a lot. Let’s go tampororot.”

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