Chapter 4: Lost and Found (Lisa)

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I groaned as my body ached. It actually hurts for dancing the whole day. I stalled all my workout routine for the past month since it’s been hella busy in the office. Had I known I’d be giving in to my family’s request to dance on stage, I would have spent every weekend doing taekwondo classes.

Right now, we’re waiting for Chaeyoung to finish her interviews. All of us are in the same car. We used Jennie’s this time and of course she gets to drive. This sister of mine just won’t let me get behind the steering wheel for a reason I couldn’t believe. Does she know that I’m the most careful driver in the world?

“Lisa, have you seen my phone?” Jennie panicked and is checking her bag. I helped her look for it. She must’ve dropped it here inside the car.

“I’ll make a phone call to check,” Jisoo said and we waited to hear something. “It’s ringing.”

But if it’s just here, we could’ve found it right away since Jennie never mutes her phone. “You must’ve left it inside the stadium,” Mom suggested.

“Oh, damn. I need to go back.” Jennie’s frustration worried me. The reason we're waiting for Chaeng inside this car is to protect Jen from people who always flock after her. Chaeyoung is not the only celebrity in the family. Jennie may have never done local entertainment stints but she’s quite an artist too. She’s just been missing the limelight lately but her face is still all over the magazines, billboards and some commercials that have been shot abroad but are being shown in national television and in ads online. I should know. I’m in a digital company and I know her megawatt influence level. Jennie Knotsford is spinning forever.

Why does my sisters have to be that famous? I’m all proud but I’m sometimes sad how limited their movements around the public gets.

“Let me do it,” I volunteered.

“You sure?”

“Hundred percent.”

Just when I was about to get out the car, I heard the door from the driver seat unlocked. “Let’s go there together.”

I stared at her from head to toe and shook my head. A black mini dress, too much legs. “Don’t you have a jacket? Never mind.” I took off my pull over (no worries, I have an inside shirt) and together with my beanie, I handed them to her. “I don’t want those guys to drool again.”

She heeded and in no time, we’re worming our way inside the stadium.

“Don’t you dare make me pass through secret doors, Lalisa. We’re not thieves, okay?” She warned. I almost chuckled seeing her worried face.

“I just thought you always wonder how I do my secret job? I’m giving you a free taste of it.”

“Hello? Not here of course. We’re not restricted to get inside. We paid fortunes for those tickets and look,” she raised her hand showing me her wrist with a tag on it, “we’re legal.”

“Don’t chicken out, Sis.”

Just that and we sneaked in. I knew there’s a shortcut.

“You’re unbelievable,” Jennie hissed as she crawled. “It’s even dark, do you have eyes of an owl?”

I didn’t answer. Instead, I crawled ahead. It’s just a few slides and stretch and we reached the door to the storage room. “Achoo!” Ooops, my bad. I forgot Jen’s allergy to dust. I pulled the beanie down to her nose. “The fudge?! How will I see what I’m walking through?”

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