Chapter 18: Comeback (Lisa)

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"Dad, why did we bring Lisa with us? Look at her. She's all play. People are staring." Jisoo-unnie's frown is a sight to watch. It's not that I love to annoy her. It's just that she's cute when she's pissed at me lately although she's been extra savage to me today and I don't know why. Daddy, however, just pinched her cheeks, "Cut your sister some slack, baby. She's been like that since forever."

"I can't believe Jennie puts up with her childish antics on a weekend basis." Oh c'mon, Jennie and I are tag partners for all season.

"There's nothing I can do about it," Jennie smiled and reached for the broccoli. 

"Unnie," I called Jisoo. "Wanna ride this push cart?" She glared at me and I ran when she was about to throttle her way to me.

"Lisa, be careful with that cart! There are bottles of wine in there!"

"Heard you mom!" I continued maneuvering the cart like a scooter and I went to the chips section.

I know that people in the house prohibit junk food and I actually am not fond of it too but sometimes I crave for something salty and today's one of those days. I was pulling random bags of chips from the shelf when I heard someone spoke from my back, "Bitch, I'm glad you're still alive." I didn't bother to turn around and check who was that (coz I know the bitch)  but after three steps away from her, my shoulder caught a strong slap, "I hate you Knotsford!"

"What the fuck, Somi?!"

Her fuming face was replaced suddenly by a laughing witch face. "Hahaha! Suits you!"

I glared at her. She's lucky her daughter's with her or else, I could've have hit her forehead with this pack of Pringles. "Lisha... carry?" Shyne stretched her arms.

"Oh my cutie patootie... look at you, already fed up with your mom's face, yes?" The little girl chuckled and that's my queue to take her in my arms. She just turned 3 years old and already weighing like a six. "Hello baby, are you eating well? Do you wanna play with me?" She reached for my cheek as an initial response, "Lisha... shocoleytch..." she points to the corner of chocolates. Right, this sweet tinkerbell.

"Lalisa, don't you ever get her that."

"You brought her on this side and let her see shocoleytch and you're not buying her these? What kind of mother are you?"

"How dare you question my parenting."

I was ready to throw her some insults when mom interrupts. (Don't worry, it's normal for Somi and I to talk that way.)

"Look who's here. Somi, darling... we haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" Mom hugged her and in an instant her gazes are directed to Shyne, "My little peanut, let me kiss you baby." A child always gets the spotlight and that's on a PERIODT.

"Auntie, I'm doing well. I'm sorry if I haven't visited your home for a while. Shyne and I usually spend the weekend with his dad until today. I had to rush home since Lucas is coming home and will be arriving tonight."

I felt a pang in my heart upon hearing his name.

"That kid. I'm sure your mom is happy."

"Oh, she's thrilled! Well, except from the fact that big bro is bringing a girlfriend," she cringed, "she's too excited for later's dinner."

"Lucas is even older than my Jisoo so he's definitely of the marrying stage. Your mom should let him go," mom blurted out which made Somi laughed hysterically, not because she finds it hilarious but because they thought of it the same. Lucas is a family favorite. Well, that what Somi believes.

Dating The KnotsfordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora