Room 510 & Insignificant Memories

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I love you-acoustic by woodkid

"Mrs Styles"

"Mrs. Styles"

"hmm" You look at the doctor who has been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now. Your mind went blank when you heard him say those five words. Your heart shattered. You just kept thinking back to one memory, one memory in particular.

A insignificant memory.

"Harry the babies cribs can't go there!" You laugh placing a hand on your bump

"What why?!" Harry asks smiling at you. "It's perfect here!" He points to the three cribs all lined up under the shelves that he also put in.

"Oh H. I love you but you aren't a handy man and if those shelves fall then bam on the babies" You say shaking your head and walking next to him looking at the crooked shelves.

"You think they'll fall?" He says crossing his arms and looking at the shelves.

"It's not a matter of if H. It's a matter of when" You say smiling at his pout. "The cribs would look cute under the windows"

"Okay" He pouts making you laugh and kiss his cheek.

"Miss would you like to sit down?" The doctor asks you placing a hand on your shoulder. You flinch back and shake your head no.

"No no I-i have to go" You say looking into room 510. "Do you need anything from me?"

"No ma'am. I'm-"

"Thank you then" You cut the doctor off and walk away. You walk into the elevator and make it two floors before pushing the emergency stop button. You hit the wall and break down. You wrap yourself in your arms only wishing they were his. "DAMNIT DAMNIT" You scream out. A few more minutes and then you take a deep breath and clean under your eyes. You push the stop button and the elevator begins again. You walk into the lobby and out of the building. You go into your car and drive to home. To your children. You park in the driveway and place your shaky hands on the steering wheel shakily breathing in. "Be strong. No more tears" You whisper to yourself. You get out of the car and walk into the house.

"MUM" You hear three voices shout at once. "Are you okay?! Wheres dad?!" They ask causing you make a fist.

"Come sit down"

"Mum where's dad?" Ryder asks looking at the front door.

"Please come sit" They all sit down on the couch while you sit on the coffee table taking each of their hands. You breathe in and look at your three children. "I want you to listen to me okay? I need you to listen to me" They all nod their heads.

"Mum what's going on? Where's dad?" Edward asks you.

"Your father got into a car accident when driving home" You stop taking a deep breath in. "He was fine in the hospital. Just a few bruises and a broken wrist"

"Okay so where is he?" Darcy chuckles uncomfortably.

"When the doctors were running test they didn't realize that his rib punctured his lung. Your father-" You stop choking back the tears. "Your father isn't coming home" You say.


"What do you mean mum?"


"Your father died from internal bleeding" You say looking at the kids. Ryder walks out of the room after you finish. Edward follows after him and Darcy sits their pale as a ghost.

"Dad's dead?" Darcy squeaks out. You look at her and pull her in for a hug kissing the top of her head. "I-i need air" She says pulling away going to follow the boys. You sit on the couch and clench your hands holding back the tears demanding yourself to be strong for the three children outside.

"I'm sorry to inform you but your husband has died"

"What no no. Do you not remember you told me it was just a broken wrist and a few bruises" You say shaking your head and stepping away from the doctor.

"Mrs. Styles his rib punctured his lung. He bled out internally. I'm so-"

"No get away from me. You have no idea what you're talking about. Get away" You say walking away to go into room 510 where Harry is. "Harry you'll never believe what this doctor just said" You start to say and stop short when you notice Harry laying on the bed not moving. "Harry?" You ask. "H?"

A montage of him goes through your mind and you know what the doctor was saying was true.

"Harry" You sob out falling to floor.

You walk outside and see your children all hugging one another. You walk up to them and they all hug you. You whisper out five words that hopefully one day you'll believe.

"We're going to be alright"
hi there! sorry for the late update, been a crazy couple of days

more updates will be coming tomorrow and hopefully a new fan fiction

everyone wanted to know how he died, so here it is

much love



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