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I recommend listening to I met Sarah in the bathroom by awfultune (slowed or not)

"Yes that works. Okay perfect. Thank you so much. Yes Wednesday. Gemma yes. of course. Thank you have a great day"

This is what you have been hearing for the past hour now. Harry got a cryptic phone call and went into his home studio to take the phone call. You were going to spy but you realized that his room is sound proof. And unfourntaley were not James Bond.

So not cool.

"Hey baby" Harry says coming to kiss you on the cheek and sitting next to you on the couch. You look at him from the corner of your eyes. He's on phone just trolling through instagram and answering messages. No mention of the phone call has came out yet.

"Mhmm hey" You mumble back. Usually, whenever Harry gets a phone call he tells you everything or even puts it on speaker to let you listen. So why was this so different?

"You okay bub?" Harry asks looking over at the person who has just moved at least five inches away. He scoots closer to you and you scoot further way.

Being petty? Absolutely.

"Mind telling me why you keep moving away from me?" Harry asks putting down his phone. You turn off the tv and get up.

"No I do not" You say nodding your head and walking away. Harry looks at the spot you were previously standing in then at you and back at the spot. You go into the bedroom and start to put laundry away. You hear Harry come in the bedroom and he sits on the edge of the bed watching you mumble to yourself.

"Are they answering back?" Harry asks you. Y/n furrows your eye brows looking at him confused. "The voices in your head. Keep mumbling to yourself" Harry chuckles getting a shirt thrown in his face.

"I'm being you" Y/n says. Harry raises his brows silently asking what the hell does this woman mean. You give him a look silently meaning what the hell was the phone call sneaky.

"It was Jeff" He says cryptically. You gasp dramatically throwing the clothes in your hand on the floor and grabbing your heart.

"NO I thought it was Santa" Harry glares at your sarcasm while you silently praise yourself for it.

"Funny. He was calling me to tell me that Vogue wants me on their cover" Harry says nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. You stare in shock.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Vogue wants me on the cover and wants Gemma in it with me"

"OH MY GOD" You scream jumping on Harry who has stood up from the bed. He barely catches you falling back onto the bed with you onto of him. You kiss his face repeatedly with him laughing. "H that's fucking amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

"It is kinda amazing huh?" He says pushing hair out of your face. You nod your head happily. He smiles softly and leans up to kiss you gently. You pull away and gasp. "What what's wrong?"

"I have to call my mom!" You say jumping off him to grab your phone and tell your whole contact list that Harry is going to be on Vogue.

For the next two hours, you call everyone in your contact list telling them how proud of Harry you are. He sits there the whole time listening to you gush about him, falling more in love with you. Later on in the night Harry is brushing his teeth getting ready for bed when he hears you talking to yourself again.

"Damn baby how many times you going to talk yourself?" He mumbles to himself listening in on you.

"Hi baby. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of your father. He is doing amazing things and I know when you come out into this world you will be unbelievability proud to call him your dad. I love you and please let me sleep tonight"

Harry smiles wide and finishes up in the bathroom and comes into bed with you. He cuddles you into him and wraps his arms protectively around you. You wish him a goodnight and not forgetting to mention once again how proud of him you are.

Soon after y/n is out like a light.

"Hey little nugget its your dad. Your mum was wrong, you shouldn't be proud to call me your dad. You should be proud to have someone like her as your mum and yes please let her sleep. I love you little bean"

Harry places one kiss on your stomach and another your head before falling into sleep with you.

a little late, but the Vogue photos.

beautiful, simply amazing

hope you enjoyed this

much love



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