Messages & Growing Up

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I recommend listening to endymion by ursine vulpine

"Hey baby whats wrong?" Harry asks after he hears you sniffling while making pancakes for the kids. You whimper and sniffle some more plating the food. He sighs and takes the plate from your hand and turns you around to face him. "Baby what's wrong?" He chuckles when he sees your red eyes and puffy lips from biting them.

"It's not funny H" You whine hiding your face in his chest. He laughs some more but still holds you rubbing your back soothingly and kissing your head. "They are growing up too fast. Stop them" You whine in his chest making him laugh once again.

"Baby they're going into middle school" He says causing you to lift your head up and look at him. He raises his brows when he hears you scoff.

"Exactly and next will be high school and then weddings and then babies! I can't handle this! Make them stop growing!" You say shaking your head and throwing your hands around. Harry is about to reply but here's the kids coming down and into the kitchen.

"Morning guys!"



The kids all greet you both. They all sit down at the table and grab some food. Ryder looks over at you and furrows his brows. "What's wrong with mum?" He asks getting the two other to look at you. Y/n starts to immediately cry when seeing how big they are.

"Nothing is wrong. Come on eat up we have to leave soon" Harry sighs out coming to hug you again and take you out of the kitchen. "Baby think of it as a good thing" He says rubbing your arms and then wiping your tears away.

"Yeah and how's that?" You sulk out sniffling some more. He smiles at you getting lost in you for a moment before realizing whats happening again.

"When they get older we can finally be alone" He smirks at you and wiggles his brows in a teasingly way. You throw your head back and laugh. "Oh yeah baby think of it now" He says getting more laughter out of you.

"Mum you okay? We're leaving now" Ryder says to you putting his hand on your shoulder. You turn around and lowly gasp at your three grown children going off to senior year in high school.

"Yes yes I am fine. Do you all have everything?" You ask smiling to show them that you are okay. They all nod their heads. "Okay come give me a hug and I'll see you all later" You open your arms and Edward is the first to come and hug you.

"Love you mum see you later"

"I love you baby have a good day" You kiss his cheek and open your arms for Darcy.

"Love you"

"I love you sweet do great" You kiss her cheek and Ryder attacks you when you are free. You smile and squeeze him a little knowing he was always a little of momma's boy. "I love you darling be amazing" You say and Ryder kisses your cheek. They all leave waving to you. The minute they are gone, your smile flatters into a sad one.

"Say goodbye to your mum so we can go" Harry says putting on his coat and grabbing his keys.

"Why can't she come with us?" Ryder asks looking between the both of you. Harry stutters and you scream out a "okay yes I'll come!" You grab your coat and you're off to the school. You all put up and the tears begin again.

"Hold it in baby" Harry says bringing your hand up and kissing your knuckles. "Okay Styles crew have a good day Edward. Do great Darcy and Be amazing Ryder. I love you all" They all lean forward and kiss Harry's cheek.

"I love you my babies" You say kissing them on the cheek. They all scream an I love you back and get out of the car into the school.

"You okay love?" Harry asks you placing his hand on your thigh and pulling out of the school once the kids are in safe.

"Can we watch Pride and Prejudice when we get home?" You mumble out sniffling again. He laughs and squeezes your thigh indicating a yes. You smile and lean over to kiss his cheek.

"High school H. They're in high school" You say twirling your ring around your finger. "Don't worry I said what needed to be said".
there was a parallel in this chapter with three lines, did you get it?

someone commented wanting to know how he died, it will be revealed soon

read the Two Ghosts before this please

much love



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