Three, Two, Four

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atlas:touch by sleeping at last

They say three words can change a persons life. Just three simple words. "I love you" . Three words that hold so much meaning that it makes a persons world turn upside down. It makes a rainy day, a sunny one. It brings a different perspective into the songs we listen too, the movies we watch. Even the books we read. Everything is different.

"I love you"

God three words that changes a person. Three words that made my whole life change. That made me, Harry Styles just Harry. A guy from a town who fell for a girl that made me believe anything was possible. But my life didn't just change from three words. No, it was a constant change.

Two words next. Two words that shook my world. "I'm pregnant" Two words that made me a protector, a friend and a father. Two words that tied me too y/n for the rest of our lives.

By nature, I write words on a piece of paper everyday that hold meaning to millions of people. Not just three or two words, but a lyric of them. My wife always said it was silly of me to think that two and three words changed my life when in reality a whole series of them did the day I got onto the X-Factor. But see my life did change that day. I became someone completely different.

However with my wife and those words? Fucks sake I was brought down to the earth again. I don't know if my wife ever thought of words I said to her changed her life. If you ask her, I'm sure she'll say the same as me.

"I love you"

"I'm pregnant"

I mean I can hope. You'd think after ten years of marriage, three children and dozens of animals later my world and what she says to me wouldn't change so much. That it'd be known what she was going to say next.

Yet nobody prepares you for the four words that have my world shaking, breaking, and cracking. They prepare you for the three, the two, but never the four. And you don't realize how much preparation you need until someone says it.

Until it's spoken out into the world without being able to take them back. Because you can't take back what you said. You can try and say more to lessen the hurt. But those words? God those words, it's out. And i wish more then anything they'd never hit my wife's mouth or my ears.

Four words.
Four words that hurt more than my band breaking up.
That hurt more than the death of a friend.
More than any fight I've shared.
Any friendship broken up.

Because those four words?

"I want a divorce"

They take away the meaning to the three.
hello loves, part two?

i have no words for what's going on in the world. women's rights are taken away and it's disgusting. it's cruel.
if you support that decision, kindly (not fucking really) unfollow me.

to everyone else, you are loved. you are supported. and I'm here for each of you.

much much love

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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