Dear y/n

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agape by Nicholas britell

Dear y/n,

A goodbye letter seems so formal does it not? We both know that in twenty or ten years we will see one another again. So a goodbye letter seems rather not fitting. For us at least. Opening this and seeing your delicate handwriting was something I never thought would bring me joy until reading those words. The words that have stuck with me for days.

You said we were like a shooting star and after awhile we stopped burning. We aren't a shooting star, we're all of space. Every star, every planet, every little speck of dust up there is what we are. Our love was fearless and passionate, but it was also the cause of all our fears. We were afraid of what our love would bring us and it broke us.

My love for you will never fade and I fear as each goes on it will only gradually become more and more. You wrote to the woman who I will call my love, but y/n if I'm being honest it will always be you because you aren't just the person who I met and had this epic love story with.

You are my love story.

So no I don't accept your goodbye letter.

I don't accept you leaving.

I don't accept anything but you.

I take it back we will meet again in before a year hits.

Know this and know it well; you have bewitched me completely and I love you with all of me

From yours, H.

Airports were meant to be this significant place in someone's life. For you, it's where everything ends and you start fresh.

Or so you thought.

"Don't go"
part two

much love



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