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"Oh my god, y/n how many time do I have to tell you that we are JUST FRIENDS?!"

"Well I would believe you if every-time she didn't walk into the goddamn room Harry, your eyes light up like it's fucking Christmas!"

"They don't! I'm sorry if your too insecure about me being friends with an ex! But I am! You have to deal it with!"

"I'm sorry, INSECURE?! This has to do with the fact that my boyfriend would rather hangout with his ex, or that YES your eyes do light up whenever you see her! It has to do with the fact that I feel like I'm fucking holding place for when your ready to be with her again!"

Y/N leaves after that. She storms out of the living room and goes into their room. It's stupid really, what they're arguing about. Harry and Y/N were invited to go to a party for a friends birthday. Y/N never liked going, but Harry begged her and one look at the green eyed man, she was going.

Y/N couldn't find Harry anywhere. After looking for a little while, there he was. With his ex. Y/N doesn't care if he's friends with her. She trust him. And she knows Harry is too kind to just befriend someone. But recently it seemed like Harry would rather spend some time with the ex, than her. They haven't noticed y/n yet, so she listened to them talking; not the best idea.

I miss you Harry. I know you miss me. You call me all the time, we text all the time. I love you and want to be with you again. Give us another chance.

I'm with y/n. I love her. I call and text you because we're friends. I don't feel that way towards you anymore. I'm sorry.

If you loved her, then you wouldn't be here with me this whole time.

And what y/n saw next, truly crushed her. They kissed. It was only for a minute or two. Harry pushed the ex away, but for that minute or two he didn't. So here they are, Harry and Y/N fighting because she asked what happened and Harry lied.

"That's not fucking true! You know I love you and I want to be with you and only you!" Of course Harry followed her. They have one rule, never leave in the middle of the argument. Fight through it.

Y/N took in a breath before asking calmly, praying he didn't lie. "Did you kiss her Harry?"

"No, I did not kiss her". Harry looks everywhere but her eyes. His tell. Whenever he lies, he doesn't look at her eyes. Harry doesn't know why he lied, he just did.

"I don't know what hurts more H, the fact that you think I'm so insecure that I'm imaging this or the fact that you just lied to my face". By now Y/N is crying. "You kissed each other. That's why we're here fighting".

Harry didn't lie because he wanted to be with his ex. He lied because he's an idiot. A true idiot.

"She kissed me, love. I pushed her away. I didn't tell you because I'm fucking idiot. My eyes don't light up when I see her, they're just lit already because I'm thinking of you. I don't want to be with her, I only want you. I'm so sorry love that you feel like a holding place, but that's fucking bullshit. I'm also so sorry that I called you insecure. I love you and I'm not going to stop loving you or be with anyone else because you are it for me"

Y/N didn't have a chance to respond because Harry crashed his lips into hers. He kissed deeply, showing her that it really is her for him.

And him for her.


Hi wonderful people, this one was a request for a friend of mine, Alani! Hope you enjoyed this; comment/vote/share

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