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strange by Celeste/please read authors

You meet someone new everyday. Whether that person be someone in passing or someone to have a mark in your life, you meet someone new. It's funny sometimes they become more than a mark. They become apart of you.

But sometimes they become strangers again, but this time with memories.

Two years ago..
"I straightened my hair for you. I put on your favorite dress. I even put on heels and we both know how much I hate them" Y/n laughs lightly looking at the floor.


"I waited. After an hour I thought okay he's probably running late. After two I threw out dinner and put yours in the stove. I got changed and sat on the couch awaiting my husband. My husband who came home and hugged me. My husband who hasn't touched me let alone hug me in three months. My hus-" Y/n cuts off sniffling choking back a sob. "Hus-husband who came home smelling like perfume" She finally looks up to see Harry standing by the dresser looking down in shame? Hate? Guilt?


"I didn't put two and two together until she came to the door just now and I smelt her perfume. While I was waiting two hours for you, you were with another woman"

"NO" Harry shouts stepping closer to Y/n. "Nothing happened baby, I swear. I went out to drinks with the guys and she came. We were just hanging out and by the time I realized it was late I left" He puts his hands on her arms begging her to look at him.

"Did you sleep with her?"

"Absolutely not"

"Did you kiss her?"

"I-no" Harry hesitates and so does y/n. She takes a step back holding her chest near her heart. "She kissed me and I pushed her back. I swear I didn't kiss her back" He tries to step closer but y/n puts her hand out stopping him.

"I'm going to bed" Y/n says walking around Harry with her hand still near her heart. Almost protecting it.

"Where are you going? You sleep here, I'll go in the guest room"



"I can't sleep in the room that my husband and I shared when all I think whenever I look at you is you two. So no. I won't sleep in here" Y/n says slamming the door and walking to the guest room. She gets in the room and closes the door. Turning around she slides down the door holding her heart breaking down. With only one thought in her mind what happened to us.

The next morning Y/n woke up to the house smelling like coffee. She got up and went into the kitchen seeing Harry standing by the machine drinking a cup looking at the floor. "Why are you here?" She can't bear the word home because it doesn't feel like home.

It feels like a house.

"I went into work and fired her. I should've done it right when it happened but I was stupid. Still am" Harry says giving y/n her coffee while she sits down in the stools in front of him. "I don't know what to say. An I'm sorry sounds childish. I already did the act and can't take it back. But I am so sorry love. I had a lapse in judgment and that's no excuse but baby I love you and I-I-I'm just so sorry" Y/n looks away from him letting her tears fall freely. Letting him see the pain she's in because of him. She looks out the window and almost as if the trees, leaves, sun and wind are telling her.

She already knows her decision.

She knew it the minute she smelt it on him.

"When we first got married we lived for one another. You know? We would do anything for the other. Years passed and it seemed like I was living for you while you were living for you. I got lost. Somewhere between living for you and loving for us, I lost myself. I was like a lone planet circling the world waiting to be in orbit. But I was never found. I just kept turning all alone" Y/n says looking back to Harry. "We've been having problems for the past year and we've been brushing them under the rug. We use sex as a way to make it alright. We haven't been a happy married couple in awhile. I can't ask what happened to us when everything happened. We lost a baby and that changed us. Without realizing we pushed each other away. And I started living for you. And you stopped living for me"

"Please don't" Harry says knowing what's coming next. Wishing he could take back those five minutes of another woman kissing him. Wishing he said no to drinks. Wishing his wife wasn't right.

"Im going to move in with y/best friends/n. I need to start living for myself."

"What does that mean for us? I don't want to loose you. I can't"


Two years ago two people became strangers again but with years of memories. They were strangers to friends to lovers to strangers. Like a planet moving in a circle. A constant loop.

In its own orbit.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Y/n says looking up to the person she bumped into.

"It's alright-y/n?"

"Harry?" She looks up and smiles softly at him. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?" He asks looking at her still feeling that love that was there, always there, for the past five plus years.

"I'm good yeah" Y/n says looking at him. Feeling at home. Her phone ringing brings breaks her contact. "I'm sorry I have to go. It was yeah. By Harry" She places her hand on his arm and squeezes it gently.

"Bye Y/n" He mumbles out watching her walk away again. No no fuck that fuck this. "Y/N WAIT" Harry screams turning around catching up with her. Not fully realizing how far she actually got.

She turns around and looks at him with concern "What's wrong?"

"Are you free tonight for dinner?" Harry blurts out. You fucking ass she's your wife why are you asking her out on a date.

But she isn't wife. Not really. The papers were sent but both never signed. Couldn't. Wouldn't.

A constant loop.

A planet all alone going back into orbit.

Strangers to friends to lovers and strangers again.

hello loves!

back with a happy ending one! haven't seen those in awhile!

hope you enjoyed.

On a serious note, 112 fires have broke out in Turkey. They are in need of the necessary resources to help them stop the fires from not only growing, but also spreading. Please spread the word and do anything you can to help them. Anything can help! Please do.

I hope that any of my readers who do live in Turkey or any family members/friends anyone know are in a safe place and keeping safe. My heart is with everyone.

much love

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