Vogue (2)

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I recommend listening to sweater weather x I wanna be your girlfriend by neighborhood/ girl in red (slowed, on soundcloud)

"Oh my god look at these people should I have brought something like food or drinks or money" Y/n say walking around with Harry to look at the places he will be doing the Vogue shoot. He insisted that you came after you patronized him for an hour saying how you had to come and it would be an experience for the baby. He laughed and told you okay but that you had to wear a mask the whole time and bring water.

Mask was left in the car and the five bottles of water are sitting in his tote bag.

"Hi Harry hair and makeup are ready for you whenever" A guy comes up to Harry to tell him. He nods at you and you smile wide back. The urge to take out your phone and capture these moments are eating you alive, but you know that Harry wants it private.

"Okay thank you" Harry says walking towards where the guy pointed too. He pulls your along afraid that if he leaves you alone you'll end up on Vogue. You look everywhere being pulled. The set is truly amazing and the way everyone is so kind to you and Harry makes you radiate happiness.

"Harry there's my man!" A guy says coming to hug Harry. He pats Harry back and then notices you. "And this must be the missus. Pleasure to meet you I'm the hair and makeup person" He holds his hand out and you shake it.

"Hi pleasure I'm y/n" You say squeezing Harry's hand who placed it back when he let go of the guy. Harry puts the bag down and gets a chair for you to sit in. He takes out the water bottle and hands it to you and takes out a granola bar and gives it to you. The makeup artist stands and watches the whole thing in amazement to see Harry taking care of you which makes you blush. "We're pregnant" You blurt out to explain why Harry is being this way.

"Ah congratulations!" Harry smiles wide and sits in the chair to get ready. For the next hour, he sits there getting all done up while you play on his phone and await Gemma. When he's done he gets dressed in multiple outfits and decides which one he likes more.

"Gemma!" You hear Harry say. You turn around and see Gemma walking towards you both in a beautiful dress and her hair done. She hugs Harry and then comes towards you.

"You look beautiful!" You say hugging her. She chuckles and squeezes you a little tighter. The both of you have the relationship where you two are more like siblings than Harry and her. She places her hand on the growing bump and you laugh quietly.

For the next six hours, photos are being taken of the both of them while you secretly take your own with your phone. When everything is done Harry thanks everyone and you two are off to home.

The next few weeks consist of looking at emails to see when the shoot will come out. Harry didn't let you know wanting you to be surprised as well. So when the tweet from him comes out on the cover of Vogue you were pleasantly surprised and looked through the whole thing, reading everyones comments on it.

You were so caught up in the comments about it that you haven't realized Harry walking in with a gloom look on his face. He sits next to you and cuddles into you sighing contently. "What happened?" You ask running your fingers through his hair. He picks up his phone and shows you a tweet from woman named Candace saying how it wasn't manly that Harry wore a dress and that we need more manly men. You scoff and go into your twitter to tweet back.

Not only did she mess with your man, but you are hormonal.

"Candace thank you for your tweeting about Harry. It means a lot to us that you went through the trouble of reading the article and looking at the pictures of him. He does look great, doesn't he? Anyway referring to your "manly men" comment, let me ask you a question, what is the definition of a manly man? Because from what I know about Harry he is the most manly man I've ever known and wearing a dress doesn't exclude him from being a man. He can wear what ever he wants and you making comments isn't going to stop him. Sit down and refresh your memory because clearly you need a lesson on what is manly. Another thing, if wearing a dress isn't manly, then why are you allowed to wear a suit. That's not very womanly of you, now is it Candace?  Educate yourself before you come after someone like Harry. Thank you again for reading the article and taking your time to save the photos of him, you just made him more money. Xoxo"

You hit send and tweet it out into the world. You smile happy with yourself that you stood up for your man. Immediately you get responses, retweets, likes and people quoting you. Harry the whole time has been cuddled up into you having no clue what you just did.

"I have to pee" You say randomly making Harry groan and move off of you. He takes his phone back and looks at your tweet. He smiles and gets teary eyed. He gets up from the couch and walks into the bathroom. "H!" You exclaim when he picks you up and places you on the counter. Thankfully you were done and were washing your hands.

"I love you" He says kissing your face and placing his hands on your bump. You smile and blush and hum in content. " I love you I love you I love you I love you" He says kissing you all over causing you to laugh and squirm. He finishes by kissing your forehead and placing his head in your neck.

Content and in bliss with one another.

"Chinese food sounds really good right now"
wearing a dress does not make you less manly.

painting your nails does not make you less manly.

wearing makeup does not make you less manly.

give me a definition of manly and where it says wearing a dress or doing any of that excludes that.

Candace is a egoistical immature woman who will not be supported in this imagine series. this is the only time I will be bringing her up.

25k, holy holy

Simplicity is still out! go check it out!

much love



Harry Styles Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें