Golden Surprises

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I recommend listening to weightless by spacey jane

"Aren't you just the cutest thing in the world!?" Y/n says in a cute little baby voice to the little black cat sitting on your bed.

"He's going to kill you babe" Your friend says to you petting your new kitten. You roll your eyes and shake your head no. You guys went to the shops for a day out, Harry was at the studio all day and you didn't want to stay in. After hours of shopping and only getting a few things, you stopped in a shelter and this little black kitten caught your eye. So you did the only logical thing, you adopted a kitten. Without Harry knowing. Usually, he wouldn't mind; but he just said he didn't want another pet since you guys would be moving soon, back to California for his filming.

"It'll be fine. How can he not love this cute little face!" You gush playing with the kitten. You also bought about fifty toys for the new kitten.

"She is very cute" Your friend says playing with her too. You both get caught up playing with the cat that you don't realize Harry is home.

"Hey babe how was shopping?" Harry screams walking up the stairs. You scramble to clean all the toys and your friend looks at you wide eyed while playing with the little fur ball on your bed. "Baby where are you guys?"

"We're in the bedroom!" You scream back figuring he went into his little home studio. You always hangout in there when he's not home.

It's like a little piece of him is still there.

"Hey baby. Hey y/f/n" Harry says walking over to you kissing your head. "How was shop-" He stops short when he notices a little black ball of fur on the bed. "What is that?" Harry asks.

"What is what?"

"That" Harry points to the cat while your friend starts to get off the bed.

"My time to go. I'll see you y/n. Bye Harry" Your friend walks out without a response.

"Baby what is that?" Harry asks again still pointing at the animal.

"It's a cat" You say almost like he should know.

"thought it was a fucking car. Know its cat. Why is it on our bed?" Harry glares at you while you smile at his remark .

"I haven't bought her a bed yet" You say walking over to it and picking it up. "Look how cute she is" You walk over to Harry with her in your arms. Harry glares at you but looks at the cute cat.

"Baby please tell me your watching this cat for someone"

"I am" You say looking down at her lovingly and drop a kiss to her head.

Harry sighs out happily.

"Forever. She's ours" You say quickly while still kissing her.

"y/nnnnnnn" Harry groans out while you laugh quietly. "I told you that getting an animal right now isn't a good idea" Harry groans again.

"I forgot" You say smiling innocently. Harry narrows his eyes at you scoffing.

"Yeah right"

You both narrow your eyes at one another while the cat sits in your arms. Harry sighs and realizes that this cat is with them...forever.

"What's her name love?" Harry asks petting her head. You smile widely.

"I was thinking Golden" Harry snaps his eyes up you and smiles softly.


"Yeah it's one of my favorite songs on your album and her eyes are so golden"

Harry kisses you quickly and takes Golden out of your arms. He puts her on the bed and throws a toy for her to play with. He smiles when she jumps after it and tosses it over. "Not thrilled you went out and adopted her, but she's cute" Harry says looking at you.

You smile wide and kiss his cheek. "Look at this toy I bought her!"

Harry laughs loudly at that and watches you dump a whole bag of toys on the bed.

"Fucks sake y/n"

"What? They were on sale!"

"Ten pounds for this one!"

"It's a taco H!"

For the rest of the night, you two bicker about the toys. Harry complaining about how many you bought and you giving horrible reassurances in return.


something short and cute

holy fuck, 15k.

can't believe it, thank you all

much love



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