Kisses & Curfew

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I recommend listening to family (slowed) by Ava

"Oh my god dad you are being insane! It's not that big of a deal!"

"Not that big of a deal! You were kissing some guy which by the way FYI miss thing you were  suppose to be with your friends"

"Woah woah what's going on here?" Y/n says walking by the front door to see her husband and daughter fighting with one another. "Harry? Darcy?" Harry shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips trying to look more intimidating while Darcy groans.

"Your daughter here was caught kissing some boy when she was suppose to be with her friends. GIRL friends" Harry says turning around to face you.

He comes over to you to kiss you on the cheek quickly before getting back into "dad mode". For the last seventeen years, he has been coming home and kissing you hello. He wasn't going to stop now.

"Ugh I was with my friends! And it was a little kiss before you went all crazy on Nick!" Darcy shouts at Harry throwing her hands in the air.

"Oh! Nick! Was he a good kisser?" You ask your daughter who shakes her head and blushes. Harry clears his throat and glares at you. "Oh right. Sorry continue on"

"You told your mother and I that you were going out with your friends who were not boys. So how is that I find you kissing some boy without your friends there?" Harry asks still angry.

"I told mom that Nick would meeting us and so we ended drifting away from the group. My friends were there and then we left!" Darcy says and Harry's eyes widen looking at you.

"I knew I forgot to tell you something" You say flinching slightly. Harry groans loudly shaking his head. "Okay okay. Darcy you go to your room and think about what you did. Go now. Also tell me later about Nick" You say to your daughter kissing her head and sending her on her way.

"Really baby? You forgot?" Harry says walking away to go your room. You sigh and follow him up. He sits on the bed and you follow in pursuit.

"Five minutes go ahead". You say to Harry who immediately stands up and starts pacing. Five minutes for Harry to rant about something that went bad or something that's on his mind and then you calm him down.

"I went all commando on his bloody ass baby. Full on dad mode. Called him a wanker. A wanker baby." Harry says pacing back and fourth. You laugh loudly at that and whisper a sorry when Harry glares at you. "The worst part of it all was that he opened the door for her and shook my hand and introduced himself" Harry says sitting down next to you. Y/n places your head and his shoulder and laughs quietly into it.

"I knew if I told you you'd freak out so I didn't. He's a very nice boy and you know I wouldn't have let her go hangout with her friends or him if he wasn't" You say with your head still on his shoulder. "Did you really call him a wanker?"

"Yes" Harry mumbles getting up and going into the bathroom. You lay down on the bed chuckling and is about to say something when the front door closes downstairs. You look at the clock which reads 11:00pm, past their curfew.

You walk down the stairs to see your son at the door with wide eye.

"Hey mum"

"And where have you been?" You ask putting your hands on your hips looking intimating. Your son, Ryder scratches his neck, a habit he picked up from his father when caught doing something wrong.

"Funny thing see we-" Ryder begins but you cut him off too tired for the excuses.

"Two weeks grounded. No phone and computer" You say.

"What?! That's totally unfair!" Ryder complains.

"I could go tell your father" You say and that shuts Ryder right up. One thing that tour children fear is their fathers punishments. It always leads to an over dramatic grounding or lesson. "Go to your room. I love you and goodnight" You say to Ryder who kisses you on the cheek and mumbles an I love you back.

A minute later and your other son comes through the door. "And where were you?" You ask scaring Edward who laughs uncomfortably.

"Haha funny thing now. I wasn't looking at the time" He says smiling innocently. Another trait picked up from Harry.

"Three weeks grounded. No phone and computer" You say to him.

"What?! Come on Ryder only got two!" He says causing you to raise your eyebrows. "I was listening outside the door" He admits and sighs when he realizes that he's stuck with the three weeks.

"Goodnight I love you" You say getting another kiss on the cheek from him. You lock up the house and go back upstairs to your room. Harry is now out of the bathroom and pulling back the sheets to get into bed.

"Hey baby where'd you go?"

"Your sons came in past curfew" You tell him even though you told your sons you wouldn't.

"I'm going to talk to them" He says getting ready to leave but you grab his arm and lead him back to the bed.

"Ryder is grounded for two weeks and Edward is grounded for three. Let's go to sleep" You say climbing into bed waiting for Harry to climb in so you can cuddle up next to him.

"Why two and three?" He asks climbing into bed and cuddling up next to you. You sign in content and close your eyes.

"Edward was a minute later" Harry laughs loudly and placed a kiss on your head. "I love you" He says and closes his eyes welcoming sleep.

"I love you wanker" You say welcoming sleep as well, but feel Harry nudge your side causing you to giggle.
thinking of turning this with the eulogy imagine into a family series here?


hope you enjoyed.

check out my Harry fan fiction; Simplicity on my profile!

much love


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