Party (3)

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last part, I recommend listening to I found by amber run

Four months and ten days since y/n walked out of the room and Harry didn't stop her.

Four months of sadness, anger, crying, throwing things, almost phone calls. Four months since either of them have found love again.

Harry's been focusing on the album, throwing himself into his work and trying to heal his heart. He knows he should've stopped her that night, he knows he should've been there for her. But he also knows, she shouldn't have left. He tried getting over her with a one night stand, but two minutes in the house with the girl, he couldn't do it. So he threw himself into his music, writing everyday of every minute. He called y/n a bunch after you left, but you never picked up. Eventually, the calls went straight to voice mail. Eventually, Harry stopped calling. His heart never stopped loving you and he knows he would take you back, but would you take him?

Y/n got a new apartment. She's been focusing on decorating it and making is perfect, but she knows it isn't her home. No, her home is with Harry. She regrets leaving that day, but she regrets it even more that Harry never came after her. She waited for a few seconds hoping he would run down the stairs and make her stay, but he never did. She knows what she did is childish, but she couldn't help it. Y/n truly believed you didn't deserve him. Her heart never stopped loving him, but did his?

Four months and eleven days and for the first time y/n and Harry see each other. Y/n was waiting for her coffee when Harry walked in the shop. She looked up and her eyes widened. She looked away before he could notice her. Harry was ordering his coffee when he heard "Y/N!" be called out. Y/n left without her coffee, fearing that Harry would see her.

She was almost at the corner to turn it before she felt someone grab her arm and spin her around. Harry.

"Ba-y/n" Harry said while letting go of your arm but making sure you wouldn't run away. "mhm...uh how are ya?"

"Fine. I have to go so I'll-i'll see you" Y/n said with her voice cracking and tears brewing. Harry was desperate to pull her in and erase these four months without her.

"Y/n wait please we need to talk" Harry said grabbing her arm gently again.

"There's nothing to talk about" Y/n said emotionlessly when on the inside she was breaking. "We broke up and-and im with someone else. So no there's nothing to talk about. I don't love you anymore". Lies. All lies. Y/n couldn't stop loving Harry even if you died.

You were his, always his.

"Your lying. You're a shit liar love. Every time you lie, you stutter. You aren't with anyone else because fuck you are mine y/n. You were mine the minute I saw you and you never stopped being mine. Not for one minute and sure as hell not for these four months. You told me you've been holding onto me for dear life. So now, I'm holding you onto for the rest of my life. I'm never letting go because I'm so in love with you that it physically hurts me." Harry said stepping closer to y/n. His heart broke when she said she didn't love him, but he knew or at least he hoped that she was lying.

"I-I-" Y/n couldn't process her words. She wanted to scream I love you and take me home but she knew she would drag him down.

"I love you baby. When you left you took my heart with you. I'm nothing without you. I know you think you don't fit in or deserve me but that's complete shit. I don't deserve you." Harry said cupping y/n's face. Tears were coming down both their faces. Harry was crying because he was afraid she was going to walk away again. Y/n was crying because she thought he stopped loving her.

"I have to go Harry" Y/n says trying to step out of his grasp. 

"Why'd you say you've been holding onto me?" Harry asked before she could get away.

Y/n sighs and looks down knowing this moment would come. You see with all of this she subtly never mentioned  that his ex, the one at the party came up to her and told her she wasn't good enough for him and she should leave. Y/n didn't want to believe but then looking at him with her, only made her believe it. "Y/n why'd you say it?" Harry says breaking her out of her thoughts. 

"She told me I wasn't god enough for you. I didn't believe it nor did I want to. I went to go look for you and you both were there laughing and both of you looked perfect. So I left. She's right I mean I'm not good enough for you. I drag-" 

"Baby" Harry says cutting her off but y/n continues her rant needing to get this off her chest. 

"My insecurities got to me so I left. But you never came to look for me. I waited and waited for weeks for you to come, but you never did. Phone calls weren't enough. I love you H, I don't think I can ever stop but you can't possibly look at me and say you want me forever when I drag you down" Y/n said now with tears streaming down her face. Harry was a mix of emotions. Anger for what his ex did, sadness for her believing it, and happiness for the I love you. He did the only thing he could think of in the moment. 

Harry grabs her face and crashes his lips into hers. If words weren't working, he was going to show her how he felt. Y/n responded immediately and started moving your lips with his. His hands went to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss, where yours moved their way to his face.

After a few minutes, you both pulled away breathlessly. Harry stared at you while you kept your eyes closed. Afraid to open them. "Open your eyes love" Harry whispers out to you. "When I look at you I see my whole life. I see you married to me with children, I see us growing old together. Goddamn baby I see my whole life with you. Not good enough for me? You are everything and more". 

Slowly you opened them to see him looking at you with all love in his eyes. "Come home baby". Harry whispers out and you close your eyes again and whisper back "I am home H"

Harry kisses your forehead and his arms around you.

Four months and ten days and all it took was one for two hearts to become one again.

You were his, always.

And he was yours, always. 


was going to end this a different way.

I'm not sure if I like this, but here it is, final part to the party imagine.

much love



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