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I recommend listening to she remembers by max richter


It's a disorder where someone can't go be in a small compact space or they will have a panic attack. Everyone is diagnosed through an event that has happened which triggers the phobia from occurring.

Y/n was diagnosed at seven when she was locked in a closet for hours when her parents died. The trauma of losing her parents and not being able to move out of the closet is what caused the phobia. She's living in constant fear of small spaces. Which is why she has never taken an elevator before.

Until now.

"Where did you say the restaurant was again?" Y/n asks Harry.

"I don't know. This is my first time coming here" Harry answers shrugging his shoulders.

"And you decided a place you've never been too before?" She asks raising her brows and holding a teasing smile. Harry smirks at her and chuckles lowering his head.

"I told you nobody is going to interrupt us this time" He says looking at her. The love and adoration is still there in his eyes whenever he looks at her and he can't help it. This is the girl for him, his other part of his soul. So he tricked her into getting in his car to go to a meeting, but stopped at this building. He wants another chance to be with her again and the last time they were supposed to go to dinner, both went to different restaurants. She smiles softly and turns to find the floor numbers of everything.

"Twenty-fifth floor" She mumbles. Harry looks at her and back at the sign wishing he picked somewhere he knew.

"We can go come on I'll take you to that meeting now" He says turning around and shaking his head slightly.

"Wait. No. You take the elevator and I'll take the stairs" She says nodding her head. He looks at her concerned and sighs stepping closer to her.

"Your going to walk up to the twenty-fifth floor?" She nods her head and looks around for the door that has the stairs. "Try it" He says getting her to look at him with wide eyes. "Try the elevator" She clears her throat and blinks away the tears forming.

"I-i-can't. You know that. I can't do that"

"I didn't bring you here to make you upset. I won't insist. Let's go to the meeting" He says nodding his head and turning back around to leave. As much as he wants this dinner, he wants her to be happy and safe way more.

"Let's try it" She says looking at him. He turns towards her with a raise of his brow.

"You sure?" He asks. She nods her head unable to speak. Harry sighs out an okay and walks closer to her. "Come on" He grabs her hand and intertwines their fingers. He walks into the elevator first, still holding her hand slowly lets her in. "I'm going to push all the buttons so at any moment you can leave okay?" She nods her head and he goes to push all the buttons but a small voice stops him.

"Stop" He squeezes her hand and she breathes in deeply.


"Good" Harry presses all the buttons and the doors close. Immediately Y/n, panics and looks around everywhere. "Turn to me. Close your eyes" Harry whispers out. Y/n turns to him with wide eyes. "Close your eyes".

She closes her eyes still holding onto his hands. Harry examines her face noticing her eyes moving around, but all the while thinking how beautiful she is. "Breathe" She lets outa shakey breath and Harry repeats his breathe.

Floor 5.

"Look at me. Look into my eyes" Harry says causing her to open her eyes and look everywhere but him. "Look at me" She looks into his eyes with panic and fear. "Calm down. Look at me. Focus on me. Remember us. Remember our moments" He says to her. The panic not settling. "Come come come. breathe come" He says pulling her into him.

Floor 8.

"Breathe. Inhale. Exhale" He whispers in her ear. He hears her breathing slow down rubs her arm gently with his hand and the other on her hair soothing her. "Inhale. Exhale"

She rests her face on his cheek and breathes in lightly. Harry closes his eyes missing this closeness with her. He pulls away slightly and cups her face rubbing his thumb against her cheek. "Calm down" He says looking all over her face. Y/n breathes in, but the panic still there in your eyes.

"Come here. Your okay your okay"

Floor 11.

"Calm down" Harry whispers out leaning in and captures his lips with hers. His hand on her face so delicately and her hands gripping his shirt.

The elevator doors opening and closing.

Until floor 25.
this was inspired by a Turkish show called You Knock On My Door/Sen Çal Kapimi.

it's a beautiful show and I recommend it completely. you can find it on YouTube and/or Facebook .

if anybody knows any good sites where I can watch other Turkish shows with subtitles, please let me know.

I have more inspirations from this show.

I have not decided on what to do with back in town imagine, but for right now I will post part two on here.

my heart is overwhelmed with the amount of love this little book is getting. a thank you, doesn't suffice.


much love



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