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Spain, January 1972

It was the summer, the air was hot, the sun was bright and the days were endless. The house at the top of the hill that belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Rollings was awaiting their arrival. The house was a beautiful French Country style with maids and butlers all ready to be worked. Mr. Rollings a very successful businessman who owned multiple properties, whereas Mrs. Rollings was a simple housewife. The drive didn't take long to get there, not when the Mrs. drives at least.

"Darling don't forget we have a breakfast today" A woman at the height of about 5'5 with long dark brown hair and pristine makeup. An outfit all coordinated to match the ocean below them and a smile that is so welcoming.

"Move it lunch dear. I have a journalist coming by for breakfast today" A man standing at the top of the balcony at about 6'1 with short light hair and a stern face.

"But we promised them-"

"Lunch. I have a meeting. Make yourself useful" Mr. Rollings walks back inside leaving his wife. She doesn't mind, the ocean and the sun is all the company she needs. The way the wavs crash into one another and the sun reflects off the beautiful blue. It's a love story without being one.

It doesn't take long for the chair that outlooks the land is occupied by the woman. A book in her hand, a white bathing suit and coverup with a hat. There's nobody around, just her and the book.

"Mrs. Rollings this is Mr. Styles" Gertrude says introducing the young the journalist to the wife. A man at a height of 6'0 with curly brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Of course. Thank you Gertrude" She says nodding her head and turning towards the man. "Mr. Styles welcome. I apologize it seems my husband got caught up with some business"

"It's a pleasure Mrs. Rollings. No worry at all, perhaps you would be kind to speak a bit on his behalf"

"Rose. You may call me Rose. And I may be bit biased speaking about him. After all he is my husband"

"Then you may call me Harry. But your biased may be my key" He says smirking slightly. She laughs lightly shaking her head. It doesn't take a genius to notice how beautiful this woman is and it didn't take Mr. Styles that long either. He could tell the moment she turned around and smiled at him. He knew in that moment that it would be her to change everything he knew. She would be his story.

"Ah Mr. Styles I'm sorry for being late. Shall we go?" Mr. Rollings says shaking his hand pointing them towards the sitting room.

"We shall" He says nodding his head. "It was a pleasure Rose"

"All mine Harry"

The sun became the moon and the air became a bit colder as night fell in. A long table with all of their friends and Mr. Styles. Dinner being placed, conversations going all around, Mr. and Mrs. Rollings at the heads of the tables, drinks being passed around.

"So what about you Mr. Styles? You surely been around with that accent of yours and your writing?" Emily. A friend of the two. Married to an associate of Mr. Rollings, but is always flirting with someone.

"Well of course I have. But of course you always come back home at some point. My writing grants me to look at the bigger picture in smaller frames" He says chuckling lightly glancing at Rose.

"Well of course but you have to admit looking at a big picture in a big frame is the only way" Mr. Rollings says daring Harry to question him. The head of the table, the head of the house, and the man you don't want to question.

"Depends on the picture"

"Well I think-"

"Of course dear, anyway shall we talk about the budget gentleman?" Mr. Rollings says interrupting his wife. She smiles painfully and places her hand on her chest to stop herself from speaking out. Wives don't do that. Harry notices and looks at her fully, not a glance. She adverts her eyes and laughs along with the rest.

The only light is coming from the cigarette. The wind is blowing but Rose doesn't mind. She's at peace.

"So do you always does as he say?" Harry asks walking up to her leaning against the brick.

"I beg your pardon"

"Would you like me to repeat myself? You don't seem like the type of woman who cowers down because her husband interrupted her"

"That would imply you knew me. Mr. Styles I can assure you do not. If our company isn't to your liking, you are more then likely to leave a bit earlier. Please don't stop on my account. Have a good night" Rose says walking away. It wasn't how he said that to her to get her so angry. It wasn't even him saying them. It was them being true and her knowing that she formed herself into this woman who does as her husband says.

"We might have to stop by the market and grab some aspirin" Emily says groaning holding her head.

"Did you really drink that much?" Rose laughs lightly opening her car door. "Mr. Styles what on earth on are you doing here?" She asks seeing him walk up to her house.

"Well I came to give you this" He says holding out an envelope to her.

"And that may be?"

"An apology"

"Read it"


"What? If he wrote it I'm sure Mr. Styles wouldn't mind reading it" She says still looking at him challenging him with her eyes. He sighs and throws his jacket over his shoulder and opens the letter.

"Dear Mrs. Rollings, I would like to formally apologize for my actions and words last night. It was not only out of line, but truly uncalled for. I would blame it on the alcohol but for the sake of this apology I must admit, I didn't have a drop of it. What I said was not only rude, but wrong on my end. I hope with the greatest of hearts you could find it in yours to forgive me. From, Harry Styles" He closes the envelope and looks at her. "I would also like to take you and your husband to breakfast tomorrow"

"I'll think about it" She says holding her hand out for the note. "Now let me take you to your hotel so I don't have to be blamed for your heat stroke" She opens her car door and motions for him to get in first.

The next morning Mr. and Mrs. Rollings are at the table awaiting Harry.

hello loves,

this is an excerpt from my new story I'm creating! "1975". it's about an illicit love affair between two people and how they overcome all the difficulties and missed opportunities..it's based off the movie The Last Letter from Your Lover on Netflix.

this will be out in 2022, so check it out and spread the word! there will be a tiktok and twitter for updates on this and more excerpts!
check them out @writersbllock

stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy.


much love


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