Weddings & Worries

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I recommend listening to roslyn by Bon Iver

"Oh wow honey you look beautiful" Y/n says looking at Darcy in her wedding gown. It's a simple off white long sleeved dress with some lace in it. It's truly beautiful and you couldn't help but gush at her beauty. "You're truly an angel darling"

"Mum stop. Can you go please check on something else right now because you are making me nervous" Darcy says hugging you. You say yes and go check on anything that hasn't been done just to make sure your daughter has the best wedding ever. You are walking towards the isle and see Ryder looking into the forest.

"Penny for your thoughts"

"Ah mum you scared me" Ryder says. You laugh quietly and place your hand on his arm. He looks down at you and smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulder.

"Come walk with me" You say waking ahead. You both walk around for a little just letting the quiet speak for a little. "You know when I was getting married I was nervous as hell. I didn't know whether or not I should run or stay and face the man at the end. Your grandma grabbed your father to calm me down...

"Hey y/n come here for a second"

"I-i get me out of here"

"Come here for a second y/n"

"What's so important?"

"Hey baby you okay?"

"I'm freaking out H I'm freaking out I can't do this I can't do this"

"Baby breathe and give me your hand"

"Good baby keep breathing. Okay listen to me I love you and we don't have to do this. We can go down to city hall and get married or we can stay engaged forever. I don't care okay love? So we don't have to do this"

"I want to do this i'm just scared"

"Nothing to be scared of because I'll be waiting for you"

"He was so calm and understanding and I'm certain that if I said I didn't want to get married we wouldn't have. That man did everything for me from the beginning" You finish off laughing remembering the moments.

"Mum you do know I'm not getting married right?" Ryder asks causing you to laugh but stop and turn to face him.

"I know sweetheart I know but that still doesn't mean you aren't worrying. And you have been since the moment your father died"


"No Ryder listen to me. When your father died you took everything on your shoulders and I let you because I couldn't comprehend anything without him and I shouldn't have. But honey you can let go of Darcy a little because she now has someone to look after her and I know he will always look after her. So now I'm telling you to let go of the worry because you are not the person who should be worrying, I am"

"I'm scared mum"

"So lean on me and let me scare the monsters away" You say hugging Ryder who cries silently into your shoulder. You stay like that for the next five minutes with him crying and you being that person for him. "Okay come on we have to get your sister married"

Don't let it fool youDon't let it fool you


Down's sitting 'round, folds in her gown

"Now both Y/n and Harry have prepared their own vows so y/n you may read them now"

"Okay I'm sorry in advance if I stutter or cry or laugh just sorry. Okay okay okay"


"Right sorry. Harry when I first met you I didn't think anything of this and I certainly didn't think that I would marry you but here we are. You Mr. Styles are truly a force to be reckon with and I don't mean because of your success I mean because every time I freak out like five minutes ago you are there. You are my home, my peace, my life and everything more. You are the love of my life and intend to tell you every day for as long as we both shall live"

"I love you"

"Beautiful y/n. Harry you may read yours now"

"I'm not making apologies for anything because you all wanted to come"


"Sorry okay. Y/n my best friend, my biggest fan, my biggest supporter, the love of my life. Words cannot describe how much I love you or how much you've done for me. When I look at you I don't just see a beautiful woman I see my whole world. You are my everything. I cannot wait to start a family with you and have children who look and act like you. I love you baby and I will always tell you for as long as both shall live"

You sit and watch Darcy and him exchange vows and you remember your own with Harry's. You wish that he could be here with you sitting and holding your hand while you cry, but you know that he is here watching your daughter get married. You look over and see Ryder and Edward standing next to Darcy and know that Harry may not here, but he is here with your children.
h/n stands for husbands name for Darcy

family series continues. I have a lot of ideas for this but I will try and separate it unless everyone likes them.

hope you enjoyed this

much love

also almost 30k WHAT




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