Leaked Lyrics

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I highly recommend listening to heart shaped leaf by ursine vulpine

"All I'm saying is that he didn't need to call you all of those things" Harry says holding the door open for you. You look down and smile at the gesture; it wasn't anything big but somewhere in your heart it fluttered for the act.

"And why not?" You say turning to look at him. He looks at you and sighs not knowing how to answer. He wants to answer truthfully and say because he's the only one who can call you those things, but he was the one who ended it with you thinking he doesn't love you anymore.

"Unprofessional" He says putting his hands in his pockets. You chuckle and shake your head. Harry looks at you and falls in love more with you. He's about to ask what's funny when Abigail interrupts you both.

"Harry can we talk for a moment?" She asks placing her hand on his arm. Harry who hasn't taken his eyes off you says yes where as you walk away. He follows you with his eyes wishing more than anything to follow you, to be with you, to comfort you. "Harry?"

"Yes Abigail?" Harry asks sighing and stepping a little away from her.

"The lyrics for a song got leaked twenty minutes ago" She says causing Harry to groan and grab the file out of her hand. He walks away and goes to Jeff throwing the file on the table.

"How is this possible?!" He asks angrily. All of his hard work is now down the drain because someone leaked the lyrics. Usually he wouldn't be this mad, but this song was her song. It was never supposed to be out.

"I don't know Harry we're fixing the issue. Let me and Abigail fix this okay?" Jeff says trying to calm down Harry. He shakes his head and closes his eyes breathing in and out. Abigail places her hand on his Abigail squeezes it.

"It'll be okay Harry" He nods his head and walks out into the studio room that rarely anybody goes in. You were watching the whole time. You asked an assistant what happened and they told you knowing the relationship between you and Harry. You look into the office where Jeff and Abigail are talking and sigh wanting to help somehow. A few minutes later and everybody gets ready to leave for the day. You were packing a few things when you hear a crash come from the studio; without thinking you walk into the studio.

"Harry!" You shout at him looking around and the broken guitar on the floor and the kicked over chair.

"What y/n what?!" He screams back.

"We'll figure out who did this okay! I know this means a lot to you so we'll figure this out!" You say back walking closer to him. He scoffs and runs a hand through his hand.

"Why are you doing this Y/n?" He asks calmly looking in your eyes. You don't even have to hesitate with that answer.

"Because I believe in you"

"Then your believing in the wrong man" Harry says turning back around. "Please just go leave!" He screams again letting the anger consume him. You grab his arm and put you hand on his chest to stop him from bumping into you. Harry looks every where but your face while you follow his eyes.


"It's too late. Just go y/n" He says looking right next to your face. You look down and blink away the tears hating to see the one person you love more than anything like this. You look up and grab his face in your hands and force his eyes to look at you.

Harry Styles ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora