Dates & Stalkers

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I recommend ophelia by the lumineers

"Hey mum dad can I talk to you guys for a minute?" Darcy asks you both.

"Sure honey"

"Of course" Harry and you have been putting up Christmas lights. Harry said it was little too early but you insisted they had to be done, so of course with a roll of his eyes, he helps you.

"A little early don't ya think mum?" Darcy asks causing Harry to turn around and smirk at you.

"Didn't you have to tell us something?" You ask causing Harry to laugh and squeeze your shoulders when you walk by him. You both sit on the couch with you cuddled up into him and his arms protectively around you.

For seventeen years he has done that and for the next seventeen, he will continue it.

"Nick asked me on a date" Darcy blurts out just wanting to get it over with. You smile wide but Harry's arm tighten around you. "And I was wondering if I can go tonight"

"Where?" You ask squeezing Harry's thigh to calm him down. He relaxes under your touch but is still tense.

"Rosie's. Can I go please? He would pick me up by six and we would be home by ten the latest" Darcy asks with puppy dog eyes.


"No" Harry and you answer at the same time. You pinch Harry's thigh causing him to nudge you and mumble out a yes. Darcy kisses you both on the cheek and runs upstairs saying how she has to get ready. Harry grumbles from behind you. "She's too young"

"She's sixteen Harry" You sigh getting up to fix up dinner for the rest of the family. Harry groans from the couch but still follows you.

"Yeah too young baby" You roll your eyes and go to take out tacos.

"Harry you were doing worse things at sixteen. She's going to be fine. We should be happy she asked us and didn't sneak out like Edward did" You say handing him the spoon to mix the meat. He sighs and goes to cook but grumbles while doing it.

"Mum!" You hear Darcy yell from her room. You finish what you're doing and walk upstairs to see her whole closet on the bed.

"What happened?" You ask watching her run back and forth.

"I don't know what to wear do I wear heels boots sneakers slippers flip flops sandals jeans a skirt a dress sweatpants oh my god mum" Darcy groans falling onto the bed. You laugh to yourself remembering this was how you were when you were going on your first date with Harry.

"Jeans and cute sweater with those cute boots" You say picking out the outfit and handing it her. She smiles and runs into her bathroom to try on the clothes. She walks out and spins to get your approval. "Beautiful"

"Is dad freaking out?" She asks you fixing her hair and fixing her makeup.

"Yes. But he could be freaking out if you were fifty. You'll always be his little girl" You say going to help her with her hair. She smiles up at you. "And you'll always be my baby but I know how much you like this Nick" You say causing a blush to form on Darcy's face. The doorbell rings after a few minutes and Harry screams down for the both of you.

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