Say the Words

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your name hurts by hailee steinfeld

"I'm so sorry"

"No. Say the words. I-I need you to say it" She breaks choking back the tears that have struggling to break free.

"I slept with her"

"oh my god" She whispers out covering her mouth and letting the tears out. Her heart breaking in two. Her stomach dropping and her whole body shutting down by four words.

Four words that changed three.

"Please I'm so sorry but I love you so much" She turns around and looks at him with shock. "It was a fucking mistake and I've been regretting it everyday since then"

"You know the crazy thing? I knew this whole time I knew and I was so scared to say it because I was holding onto this idea of being with you and I-I wanted us to make it so much"

"We can make it. I love you. What happened it happened in the past. We can move on from it"

"I love you" She says nodding her head holding her hand near her heart. He nods his heads and steps closer to her wanting to hold her in some way, anyway; but she steps back. "I love you but you didn't love me enough"

"No! I'm in love with you. I meant everything I said. Please baby" He says with tears in his eyes. If he could, he would take back everything that happened that night with the girl. But he can't.

And now he's living in the mistake.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have slept with her"

"Please don't do this"

"You already did" She cries out trying to take the last moment of seeing him. Touching him. Being with him.

But how can she be with someone who was with someone else?

How can she be with someone who says I love you and sleeps with another?

How can she be with someone who lied for months?


"I love you" He cries out wishing that could be enough. But those three words are just that; three words.

And four words made those three words mean nothing.

"Goodbye Harry"
hello all!

the next part of The Blissful Happiness will be coming SOON

sorry for this being sad saw a TikTok of the show The Bold Type and this was the scene and was inspired.

hope to update soon!

much love

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