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Y/n is not the type to get drunk; well she's not the type to do it without Harry there so he can save her from embarrassing herself. Usually when she gets drunk, she ends up on the table dancing or jumping into a pool. She's a fun drunk. Only cried once when she thought Harry wasn't Harry. She's very affectionate, always wanting to kiss him or hug him or fuck him. She can't help herself, have you looked at the guy?

Harry is the type of drunk who loves cuddles. He's a clingy drunk. Only with y/n though. He always has to be holding her, kissing her and well he likes to fuck her too. Usually when he gets drunk, he looks for y/n in the crowd and drags her; attempts too; upstairs in an empty room, kiss her endlessly and fall asleep in her arms. It's his favorite thing.

It came as shock to Harry when y/n said she was going out with her friends for drinks. It's not that she wasn't allowed too, no. It's that she doesn't go out without Harry, ever. He's her comfort zone. Her home.

"I'll be back late, but not too late. How do I look? Is this too much? Should I wear heels? Oh my god, should I wear a dress?" Y/n has been pacing back and forth from their closet to her dressers finding what to wear and asking these questions for an hour. Harry has been laying on the bed with smile on his face and amusement in his eyes.

"Love"Harry says chuckling while she still paces mumbling incoherent words to herself. He gets up off the bed and grabs her arm and pulls her into him. "Love calm down. You look beautiful sexy hot as hell gorgeous" He kisses her lips quickly and slaps her butt jokingly.

"Why can't you come with me?" Y/n whines to Harry while he walks away into the kitchen preparing to get ready to write for the night. Social anxiety. Y/n was diagnosed when she was younger. She knows her friends are safe and she can be herself, but she can't help it. It's eating away at her and she knows if Harry comes, it'll weaken.

"I have to write tonight baby. Plus it's a girls night and as much I love you. I'm not a girl" Harry says opening the fridge to grab her a water. He looks over and sees y/n standing there with a very cute lacy top and high waisted black jeans with her sneakers and pout on her face.

"Oh man. You know what my head hurts. Oh no! Now my stomach! I can't go. I better call Sarah this can be something big!" Y/n says dramatically throwing her hands in the air. She's just about to call Sarah when someone knocks on their door. "If we're quiet she'll leave". Y/n whispers to Harry whose watching her with amusement. He walks over to the door and lets Sarah in. She kisses his cheeks and sees y/n in the hallway with a pout.

"Hey woh you look hot! Are you ready to leave?" Sarah says with a smile. She already knows that y/n was going to call so she arrived fifteen minutes early. "And yes you have to come because we haven't been out in ages"

Y/n looks at Harry for help when he just smiles at her and walks to grab her bag. He puts it on her shoulder and pushes her to Sarah. Y/n digs her feet into the ground and they both laugh at her.

"I'll wait outside" Sarah says chuckling at her friend.

"Come on baby". Harry says while y/n turns around to glare at him. The amusement never leaving his face.

"I hate you" Y/n says standing on her tiptoes to kiss him quickly. He chuckles and kisses her back.

"I love you. Now go and have fun" He pushes her out the door and is about to close it but not before seeing y/n with her mouth hung open.

Three hours go by and Harry is done for the night. Y/n texted him when she arrived and saying that she was kidnapped and murdered. He laughed and texted back "what a shame". Now, he's waiting for her to come home so he can sleep. While he finishes cleaning the kitchen he hears keys rustling in the door. He hears a "shoot" and knows it y/n. He opens the door and sees her bending down to grab her the keys....the car key.

"HARRY" Y/n squeals in delight and stumbles her way into him. "I missed you" She slurs and pushes her in into the apartment. Harry laughs at her and turns around to find her in the kitchen. She's eating four Oreos....at once.

"Did ya have a good time love?" Harry says grabbing a glass of water for her. She nods her head fast still eating her Oreos. He hands her the water and watches her drink the whole thing. Her cheeks are red, her hair is crazy and her bra strap is down. "Come on baby let's go to bed"

She nods her head and leans into Harry while they make their way into the bedroom. She flops on the bed with giggles while he shakes his head and grabs his shirt to change her into. He lifts her into a sitting position and kisses her nose. He raises her arms and takes her shirt off.

"Tryna get some action H?" Y/n teases when he unclips her bra. "Tryna see my goods?" He puts the shirt on her and kisses her quickly. "Definitely my love"

He stands her up and holds her when she stumbles. He takes her pants off and leads her into the bathroom. "Here brush" He says while giving her the toothbrush. She huffs and sticks her tongue her out before brushing her teeth.

Y/n smiles wide when she finishes and Harry laughs at her. He grabs makeup wipes and wipes her makeup off for her. "Some guy hit on me in the bar I told him that I had a hot boyfriend in my house waiting on me to sex him up. He ran away after" Y/n says nodding her head.

Harry gets slightly jealous when he hears someone hit on his girl but knows she wouldn't do anything. His jealousy leaves him, just as quickly as it leaves. "Sex you up?" Harry says bringing her back in the bedroom. He lifts the covers and puts her into bed.

"Oh yeah real good" Y/n says cuddling into Harry when he gets into bed with her. "I love you" She says before kissing his chest and laying down.

"I love ya" Harry says kissing the top of her head and squeezing her.

"OH MY GOD WE SHOULD GET A CAT" Y/n says and shaking with excitement. Harry groans and lets her go when she wiggles her way out of his arms and stumbles into the living room.

"H LOOK AT THIS CUTIE". Harry laughs and walks into the living room.


hope you enjoyed this one.

please check out my other work Sitka. It's dear to me. thank you.



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