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I recommend listening to Life by Ludovico Einaudi

It's crazy to think how one moment can change the outcome of future. Y/n didn't think that. Harry didn't think that. They thought it was simple check up. Just going in to see the progress, to hopefully look at the gender. But then one moment what happened and that changed everything. One look at the doctors face and y/n knew something was wrong. She knew something was wrong when she went to the bathroom and was bleeding. Harry stayed optimistic, he refused to think something was wrong.

The nurse left to go get the doctor and thats when y/n knew something was wrong. She tried not to let it get to her, but she knew. She tried to stay strong so Harry wouldn't freak out. He was holding her hand so tight that he might've broke a finger. He sent her a reassuring smile and kissed her head whispering "everything is okay". Y/n smiled weakly and choked back a sob. She knew.

"Ah Mr. and Mrs. Styles how are we doing today?" The bright and happy doctor says. She loved the Styles'. They were trying to have a baby for months and were always so kind to her. So when she heard a nurse was calling for her, she dropped everything to help. "mind if I take a look?" She asked y/n who was sitting on the bed with a look. She looks at the sonogram and sees it. The same thing she's seen two other times with y/n.

"I'm sorry" The doctor begins before y/n breaks into sobs. Y/n knew but it still doesn't stop the pain of losing a baby. Harry cries silently next to his wife. He shakes his head at the doctor silently pleading her to leave. He takes his wife in his arms and they cry together until the doctor comes back to complete the course of action.

Three miscarriages. Three failed pregnancies.

That's all y/n can think of when she's sitting on the bench in their backyard. It's been two days since the lost of her baby. She hasn't spoken to anyone, not even Harry. They've been dealing with this in their own ways. Harry tries to be there for her, but he lost a baby too.

"Baby come on dinner is ready" Harry says kneeling down in front of y/n placing his hands on her knees. She looks down at him and nods her head. Throughout all of this she still loves Harry, but hates herself for not giving him a family. They eat dinner in silence. Silence seems to be their best friend these days.

"I'm sorry" Y/n says watching Harry do the dishes.

"Sorry for what baby?" Harry asks turning around watching his wife.

"For not giving you a family" Y/n says. Harry's heart drop at the thought of her thinking it's her fault. He walks up to her and pulls her into his arms. She cry's into him, finally allowing herself to feel something and have her husband help her.

"It's not your fault love. You gave me a family. You are my family. We can try again or we don't. I have you and that's all I need" Harry says kissing the top of her head. Y/n sighs and pulls her face out of his chest.

"You always wanted kids H" Y/n mumbles. "What if I can't ever complete a pregnancy?"

"Then we'll adopt. Baby I love you and I don't care how we have children. We can adopt if we have too" Harry smiles down at his wife who has a sparkle back to her eyes. "For now lets focus on us" Y/n nods her head at that and leans up to kiss her husband.

Six months go by and y/n is standing in the bathroom with a stick in her hand. The only thought in her mind is how long will this last. Harry comes home and see's the positive test. He calls the doctor immediately and they schedule an appointment the next hour. The appointment confirmed they are pregnant.

A one month old strong baby.

Y/n still has the thoughts. It's always around the second month they miscarry. So when the second month of pregnancy comes up, y/n panics. They haven't told anyone they are pregnant, they couldn't handle the fruit baskets, apologies or flowers anymore.

"Alright lets see how we're doing yeah?" The doctor asks them at their checkup. Y/n doesn't know anything this time. The doctor looks at the sonogram and the look on her face is one y/n isn't familiar with. "Congratulations you have a healthy baby. Everything is looking well" The doctor smiles wide and y/n breaks down. Harry smiles and thanks the doctor before kissing his wife deeply.

Seven months into pregnancy and everything is fine.

Nine months and a six pound, four ounces with vibrant green eyes is born.

Angel Anne Styles


hope you liked this

I wanted to do something different with all the miscarriage imagines I've read

much love



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