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"For our next guess, mr. pop sensation, stealer of girls hearts! Including my own! MR. HARRY STYLES!" James Corden screams out. Harry walks out laughing and waving wearing a purple suit with a blue button up underneath.

"Ah Harry it's been quite a while mate" James says while everyone in the audience is going crazy.

Y/N is at home watching on the television. She wanted desperately to make it because this was the interview Harry was going to talk about his new album and she was so proud of him. Unfortunately, some medical issues came up and her being 5 months pregnant made her not be able to travel for a little while.

"Yes it has! How have you been? How's the wife and children?" Harry is always so selfless when meeting someone. Always asking about them and never about himself.

"They're great! My wife loves the new album by the way! Why don't you tell your fans who some of the songs are inspired by?" James asks him with a smirk and an attitude indicating who.

There has been rumors that Harry has been with y/n for a few years now. Neither of them have confirmed or denied it. They didn't want too. They were happy with themselves.

"Just some people. Nobody in particular. It's more about finding yourself and it ends with letting yourself know that it will be okay in the end. It just takes time".

"Well I have to admit it is very good and it's already sold over a million copies so congratulations! But I hear there is more to congratulate you on Mr. Styles?" James says while bringing up a picture of y/n walking with Harry and a fairly large bump on display.

Harry knew this was the inevitable. He warned y/n that when the wind blows in a certain direction it will stick to her bump and the paparazzi will get the shot. He didn't care if his fans knew, no. He just liked having the privacy and his own little world.

"Ha ha, uh yes. My girlfriend and I are expecting a baby in a few months". Harry says with a smile on his face looking at the photo with tenderness. The audience goes wild at that.

Y/N is in shock. She never thought Harry would have the confidence to admit it. He was always dodging questions about his love life. But seeing him admit that, it made her love him even more.

"WOW congratulations Harry! I'm very happy for the both of you!" James says with a smile on his face. He adores Harry, looks at him like a son in a way. He knows about y/n and him and he believes they are soulmates.

"Thank you thank you everyone!" Harry says with the biggest smile ever folding his hands and bending them down a little. The interview goes on for another 30 minutes. Harry sang his single Adore You and played one of James' games.

Y/N was about to fall asleep when she heard her phone ring. She picked it up and saw Harry calling.


"Hi baby. Did I wake you?" Harry asks worried. He forgets about the time difference with him being in LA and her in London.

"No no I was just about to sleep. How was the interview? I watched every bit! It was very funny and you sang beautifully!" She says into the phone with a big smile.

Harry loves when she gets excited over these type of things. He forgets sometimes that y/n didn't fall in love with him because of his name, but she fell in love with him because of him.

"It was very fun lovie. James was very excited to be the one to have me confirm our little bundle"

"I'm shocked you confirmed it. I was expecting some elaborate answer. I'm proud and happy you did though. It means your happy and ready for the world to know you are"

"I've always been happy baby. From the second you told me. What makes you think I'm not?"

"No no I know your happy. But you telling everyone means you are ready to share that happiness with the fans. I know your happy my love." Y/N yawns at the end. She doesn't want to hang up just yet.

It's hard to sleep with a 5 month bump let alone without her love next to her.

"Your tired baby. Go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning" Harry says back with a smile on his face. He can picture her laying in bed with his shirt on sleeping on his side.

She told him one time that it was more comfortable, but he knows it's because she then feels like he's there with her.

"I love you H" Y/N says to make sure Harry knows this. That's one of their rules you could say.

To make sure every time they say goodbye or goodnight, to utter the words I love you.

"I love you and I love you my little baby"

okay, this probably would never happen.

I feel like Harry would have a whole ass family and tell us when the children are 17.

hope you enjoyed!

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