Happiest Day of Your Life

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heart shaped leaf by ursine vulpine (HIGHLY RECOMMEND)

The day you get married is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You have the perfect man standing at the alter waiting for you. You have your family all there waiting for you to start a new chapter of your life. It's supposed to be the happiest day of your life.

So why is it that y/n is standing looking out the window with a beautiful white dress on and yet she can't help but feel empty.


Like a black hole.

Sucking her in.

Taking her soul.


"I'm getting married tomorrow"

"And yet here I am"

"You have to go"


"I-I can't do this. I'm getting married and I will be happy"





"Fuck you and fuck your fiancé. Fuck your wedding. Fuck your plans to be happy with him. Fuck everything that doesn't involve you walking down that isle to ME. Come on y/n who are we playing? You don't love that man. YOU LOVE ME. Always have and always will. So fuck all of that and be with me"  His hands on her face holding on for dear life. Wanting, no, needing her in his life like it's his only way to breathe. "Be with me" A desperate whisper.

A plea for her.


A cry for him.

"Please baby" A kiss to his lips. A kiss that holds so much love and so much pain. A kiss that is not one for hellos or forever. A kiss that is for goodbyes and farewells.

"I will always love you Harry. But shame on me for letting your love destroy another good thing in my life" The truth. The cold heart shattering truth.


A plea for him.
A cry for her.

"Y/n are you okay?" Her best friend asks. A beautiful bride standing looking out watching the guests arrive with smiles. A bride who is not smiling.

"Am I doing the right thing?"

"Do you love him?" The friend asks.

"Love who? The perfect man standing at the end of the alter who showers me in love and appreciation. Who loves me unconditionally and doesn't fault me for anything" She answers looking at her friend with guilt. "Or the man who has broken my heart more times than I can count yet still manages to capture it. The man who comes to my apartment begging me to be with him on the eve of my wedding"

"Do you love him?" She asks again not differing which one.

YOU LOVE ME. Always have and always will.

"Always have and always will" Y/n responds smiling weakly at her friend. "So tell me am I doing the right thing?"

"I can't. I can't because if I say yes and you walk down that isle you will be married too someone who loves you, while your in love with someone else. But if I say no-"

"If you say no my heart won't be able to take much more"

"I'll give you a minute" Her says leaving the room.

Be with me

"I love you Y/n"

"Where is this love that you say to me?"


"This love. Where is it? Because I can't feel it. I can't see it. I can't taste it. I can't touch it. It's just words that you say to me Harry. So where is this love?"


"The next time you tell me you love me why don't find a reason to say it instead of saying it out of habit when you screw up until then we're over"

A door swinging open. A man coming in and slamming it shut.

"Please don't walk down that isle"

"Harry?! What the hell?"

"Don't marry him. Don't marry him because I'm in love with you and your supposed to marry me"

"Harry I-"

"I love you y/n. So I'm begging you please don't make me watch you marry someone else when my heart belongs to you"

The day you get married is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You have your perfect man standing at the alter waiting for you. You have your family all there waiting for you to start a new chapter of your life. It's supposed to be the happiest day of your life.

Or that's what everyone says at least.
hello loves!
hope you enjoy the cliffhanger;)

haven't decided if I want a part two, thinking no though. please check out my latest post on my profile.

The allegations made by Yolanda Hadid against Zayn are outrageous and disturbing. I'm not only standing with Zayn and believing him because he was my favorite or anything like that; I'm believing him based off of HIM. To make allegations of your granddaughters father "striking" you, is disgusting. Yolanda is a known racist and doesn't take mental health seriously. She has leaked information before for clout, tried to drain his blood of anxiety and made him feel uncomfortable. Gigi should comment on this and has not; that is also disappointing. I do not stand with ANY of the Hadid's with this allegation made. Domestic Abuse is not an allegation for someone to make just for clout or fame; this is a societal problem that is happening to people all over. Before you believe anything, please read up on the information before believing TMZ.

Stay safe, stay happy, stay loved
much love

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