My World

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good days by SZA

"We were little kids just playing how did we know that it would turn out like this? Nobody can determine the future. Everyday something happens that changes the outcome of the day. The future is fucking scary because of the unknown" She says playing with his hands. A slight chill in the air from the window being open and limited amount of clothing.

"So what? You don't want to know anything about your future? You don't want to know what your going to be like?" He says chuckling looking over at her with nothing but love. She smiles teasingly and sits up letting the oversized shirt on her fall off her shoulder.

"I know one thing and only one thing" She says climbing onto his lap who now sits against the headboard. She brushes her fingers through his hair.

"Yeah? What's that?" He smirks up at her grabbing her chin with his thumb and running it along her bottom lip. She teasingly bites it and laughs to herself.

"You'll be in it" She whispers out kissing his thumb which now rests on her lip.

"How can you be so sure?" He whispers back

"Because we were those little kids playing on the playground. Because my past present and future is with you"

"I like the sound of that" He says flipping them over causing her to laugh. He hovers over her kissing her cheeks. She hums in satisfaction.

"You better. I plan to spend the rest of my days with you. You are my life. Living without you is not option in my world. I need you to live" She says looking in his eyes. He smiles softly and bends down to kiss her lips and moves down to her neck to by the little spot under her ear.

"You may need me to live. But I need you to survive my darling" He whispers to her. He lifts his head and looks at her like she's the world.

Like she's his-

"My love" She whispers brushing her lips against his.

"My wife"

Like she's his wife 
thought this would be better for the other imagine before

hope you enjoyed this!

the two do not correlate

much love

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