Food Shopping & Flirting

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I recommend listening to rebecca & jack by siddartha khosla

"Mum do we really need all this?" Ryder asks you looking at the cart full of food.

"Of course we do. Now go to isle ten and grab some corn will you?" You say pointing to the isle. You and him were on food shopping duty while Harry was home with the other children. Usually Darcy likes to go with you, but today she wanted to stay with her dad. You pick our some more cereal and put it in your cart not paying attention and bump your cart into someone else's. "oh my goodness I am so sor-Mike?"

Michael Bridges. A friend of you and Harry's.

"Y/n? Hey how are ya?!" He asks coming to hug you. You shockingly hug him back.

"I'm good yeah. Just food shopping with my son. How are you?" You ask wanting to get out of there. Harry has never been a fan of Mike and neither have you, if we're being honest.

"Great actually! How's Harry doing?" He asks you stepping closer. You step back laughing awkwardly wanting to leave.

"Mum can we go now?" Ryder interrupts your conversation. He looks over at Mike and raises his brows. "Who are you?" He rudely asks him.

"Ryder" You hiss not appreciating the tone.

Mike chuckles holding out his hand for Ryder to shake "Mike a friend of your mum's"

"Never heard of ya" You hit Ryder with your elbow indicating him to shut up and learn some manners. You laugh awkwardly at Mike.

"Kids" You say scratching your head. Mike chuckles and Ryder looks between the two of you.

"Mum dad YOUR HUSBAND wants us home" Ryder pointedly says husband looking at Mike.

"Okay well we better go. Bye Mike" You say dragging Ryder away.

"Bye beautiful" You hear Ryder scoff and feel him turn around before you pinch him in the arm making him hiss in pain. You both check out before going in the car and drive home.

"Okay let's hear it" You say to Ryder who was too quiet in the car.

"Huh?" Ryder asks walking into the house with a hand full of bags. You sigh before shouting for other kids to help with the bags.

"You are never quiet so let's hear it" You say knowing he is just like Harry with holding everything in until you pry enough.

"He was flirting with you" Ryder says putting the bags on the table. You laugh loudly holding your stomach. "He was! He wanted to get with you mum!" You laugh some more shaking your head.

"Who wanted to get with who?" Harry says walking in the kitchen. He comes over to kiss you on the cheek and leans against the counter while you still are laughing quietly to yourself.

"Nobody" You say not wanting to get Harry started. Ryder at the same time shouts "Mike" . You roll your eyes and throw a paper towel roll at Ryder.

"Mike?" Harry asks you not recognizing the name.

"Mike Bridges" You say putting some stuff away while Edward and Darcy bring the other bags in the kitchen.

"He was flirting with mom and if I didn't say you wanted us home dad he would've tried something!" Ryder shouts. Edward and Darcy are now invested in this conversation looking over at you with wide eyes.

"Yes Ryder because the ring on my finger or the fact that he asked about Harry before you came over and acted all caveman on him didn't give it away that I'm married" You say shaking your head not believing that someone other than Harry would want you. It doesn't even cross your mind the shameless flirting.

"He probably was flirting" Harry says shrugging his shoulders looking over at you.

"Thank you!" Ryder shouts. Edward and Darcy laugh at the antics.

"He was not!" You hiss at Harry not believing he is believing this nonsense.

"Oh come on baby. He always wanted to be with you. I'm sure if you called him up right now he would drop everything to be with you" Harry says like its nothing. You look at him with wide eyes. "Don't look at me like that! He always had a thing for you!"

"He did not! And even if he did I was always too in love with you to notice" You say leaning against the counter. Harry smiles feeling good about himself and walks up to you. He tickles your sides and kisses your face with you giggling into shoulder. You both hear your kids groan. Harry stops and turns around.

"Ryder I love you for protecting my honor but I know your mum wouldn't do anything. It wouldn't be good for my narcissism if you keep defending me" Harry says making you laugh loudly and hit his back. Ryder nods his head and leaves the kitchen with Edward and Darcy following behind.

"Hilarious" You say leaning your head on Harrys chest when he turns back towards you. He chuckles and wraps his arms around you.

"I'm coming food shopping with you from now on" Harry says causing you to laugh into him and hitting him again on the back.

The next time you go food shopping Ryder, Edward, Darcy and Harry all go with you.


family series continues

check out my other Harry fan fiction; Simplicity

22k! holy. thank you all so much

much love



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