Chapter 68

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I park my car and get out as quickly as I could.

I start sprinting towards the hospital doors.

I burst through the doors and run to the front desk.

"Jackson Stone was recently admitted, please where is he?!" I panic.

"Miss please I'm going to need you to calm down and sign these visitation papers," the nurse hands me a clipboard.

"I don't need to sign these fucking papers right now. My fucking father is in critical condition, WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" I raise my voice.

"Emilie!" I turn around and see Julian running towards me.

"Where is he?!" My voice shakes.

"Come on," he says. We run down to the emergency room.

I barge into a room labeled "Trauma Room 1".

"Dad?" My eyes start tearing up. "What happened?" I ask one of the doctors.

"Who are you?" One of the 8 doctors ask me.

"That's Emilie Stone, you don't know her?" One of the younger doctors say.

"I'm his daughter," I say. "Ima ask again, what happened?"

"He was hit by a car that was going 90 miles per hour. He lost a lot of blood and broke a lot of bones," a doctor says.

"Please go wait in the waiting room, one of us will come update you and your brother soon."

I'm escorted out of the room to the waiting area.


I scroll through the hundreds of articles about dad's accident.

father of singer/songwriter/producer emilie stone in hospital

jackson stone, father of emilie stone, in critical condition in los angeles general hospital

emilie stone seen in los angeles general hospital

That's only to name a few.

I sigh and turn off my phone and let it rest in my lap. I rub my face out of frustration and try to keep my breathing even.

I look up from the floor and see the same girl i thought i saw at the airport.

i close my eyes and open them again. She's gone.

probably just tired.

"Emilie Stone?"

I look up and see a doctor standing in front of me. I get up from my chair.

"How is he?" I ask.

"There's no light way to put it so i'll just say it. He was put in a medically induced coma. He has suffered major head and chest trauma. I am just the trauma surgeon on call. I stabilized him but there are many other things wrong with him. We discovered a heart murmur and an aneurysm of the brain.

"We believe that the aneurysm has been there for a long period of time. The head of cardio and neuro will meet with you and your brother shortly," the doctor explains.

"Can I see him?" I ask. The doctor nods and leads me to the room.

I open the door and see Julian sitting at his bedside.

"I'll come back in 2 hours to update his chart," the doctor leaves.


Julian and I sit down at the conference table.

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