Chapter 35

536 22 3

11:48 PM, september 18th

Billie's POV

"Hey, Finn, have you seen Emilie? I can't find her."

"Nah, I haven't seen her," he answers. I nod and I spot Lauren with Bry on the other side of the room.

"Hey, you guys seen Emilie?" I ask them. They both shake their heads.

"Bil?" I turn around and see Ari.

"Hey Ari, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good Billie. You looking for Emilie?" She asks. I nod.

"She said that she was going to be in the backyard when we were talking," Ari says.

I look over at Lauren and she nods. We head over to the back.

i don't see her.

I walk toward the pool and see Emilie's clothes folded on the lounger with her boxing chain.

She never takes this thing off.

I pick up the chain and look toward the water and there I saw a terrifying sight.

I let out a scream.

"Billie! What happened?" Lauren shouts, running over to me.

"E-Emilie," I whisper, pointing towards her floating body in the pool.

"Oh my god," Lauren says.

"Go get help," I say to her. She nods.

I try to get her out but with no luck.

"Bil, what happened? Lauren came up to me speed talking and I couldn't understand-," Finneas stops himself when he sees Emilie.

"EMILIE!" He yells. Everyone in the house runs out toward us.

No one was trying to get her out.

"Fuck this," Lauren says before jumping into the pool and getting Emilie out.

She places Emilie onto the pool deck and gets out of the pool.

She gets down onto her knees and starts chest compressions.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5,..." Lauren continues.

After 30, she gives mouth to mouth twice, before going back to chest compressions. I hold Emilie's hand. It's cold.

Her natural tan, gone. Her body lifeless in my arms.

Finneas takes over chest compressions since Lauren started to feel light headed.

"Bil, give her mouth to mouth," Finneas grunts. He stops doing compressions as I pinch Emilie's nose and give her 2 breathes.

No luck.

Finneas starts doing chest compressions again and at around the 24th one, she coughed up water.

Her eyes open and meet with mine.

"Hey," I whisper, moving her hair out of her face. She doesn't say anything. She just stares at me, with no emotion.

Lauren hands Emilie a towel.

I check the time and see that it's 12:14 AM.

Well the album's out.


Emilie's POV

I take the towel and wrap it around myself. Everyone goes inside except Lauren. She stays outside with me.

"You ok?" She asks, sitting down next to me.

I don't say or do anything. I just continue to stare at the floor.

"Look, I don't know what drove you to do that. Just please don't do that again. I know it's hard. I've been there. If you aren't going to do it for yourself, do it for Billie. She needs you Em," she says.

"I did it because of Billie," I say lowly.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I was talking to Ari in the kitchen when I saw Billie being hella flirty, seductive, and touchy with some girl. After last time, she promised to never do it again. She broke it tonight. Plus I wanted to come up but I couldn't. I couldn't move," I answer.

"You think there was something in your drink?" Lauren asks.

"Maybe, I don't know," I say.

I get up and change back into my clothes. I leave the bow tie, untied around my neck and the first few buttons unbuttoned.

I walk back into the house and everyone stares at me.

"I don't give a fuck that you're all big celebrities, fuck off," I say. I head into the kitchen and grab a bottle of tequila.


Everyone was quiet and then cheered.


I've had 10 shots by now. I don't really feel anything. Like I've said before, I'm not a lightweight.

"Can I talk to you?" I hear.

I turn around and see a very timid Billie. I roll my eyes. I grab a bottle of water and we go into a bedroom upstairs.

"What?" I roll my eyes once again.

"Why'd you do it?"

"Because of you," I say, taking a sip of water.

"What the fuck do you mean Emilie?"

"I saw you with that girl Billie. You were touching her on her waist, her hands were pinned. Y'all were awfully close. How about you go make a love sing about her!" I yell getting up from the bed.

Billie looks taken aback.

"I'm sorry for yelling. But I need time. I need a break...from us."

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