Chapter 48

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december 30th, 2019; 5:00 am

My alarm clock blares. I shut it off and rub my eyes. I look to my right and see Billie cuddling one of my 10,000 pillows. I kiss her forehead before getting out of bed and putting on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt.


I step out of the shower after getting in a heavy workout. It's about 6:30 now. I have no idea what I want to wear. Like at all. I put on a Calvin Klein sports bra and boxers. I had already brushed my teeth.

I walk back out into my room and see Billie sitting up with her legs crossed.

"Cuddles," she said with hooded eyes.

"I can't baby. I have to get ready and I have no idea what I'm going to wear," I give her a peck on the lips.

"I mean I could help you. I also have a shit ton of clothes you'd like at home," she suggests. I nod.

"Let's go to yours then," I say.


"Ok, what about this fit? I wore this fit when I went on the show," Billie shows me the all white outfit.

"I'm down for a button down," I say.

"Ok this may sound a bit crazy, but, I had my design team make a dress shirt with little blohshs all over. It's a bit tight on me, but I'm sure it'll fit you," Billie looks through all her clothes and pulls a slightly wrinkled white dress shirt with little blohshs all over it.

Not as bad as I thought.

"I'll try it on," I say as I take off my hoodie. I grab the shirt and put it on and button the buttons. I loosely roll up the sleeve to right before my elbow. I look in the mirror and nod.

"I like it," I say.

Billie squeals.

"What about pants?" She asks.

"I kept a pair of black ripped jeans in your closet because I needed more clothes here," I say as I rummage through her closet.

"Here they are," I pull out the jeans. I take off my sweatpants and put the jeans on. I tuck half of the shirt in and the other portion is untucked.

"How do I look?" I ask.

"Fucking perfect," Billie murmurs before kissing me passionately.

"I got you something," Billie says against my lips.

"Really? And what's that?" I smirk. She smiles and walks over to her desk and picks up a small box.

"Open it."

I take the box and open it. Inside there is a a thick silver chain with a blohsh covered in diamonds.

"Billie, I can't take this," I look at her.

"You can and you will. Now put it on," she demands. I put it on.

I look in the mirror.

"It's perfect, thank you baby," I kiss her.

"It looks perfect with your gold chain," she says. I nod.

"You know what's funny? I got me something too," I smirk once more as Billie has a confused expression. I bend down and look under her bed and feel for the box.

"Got it," I say as I pull out the nike box.

"I really wanted a pair of the jordans, so I got myself one too," I smile. I put them on and get up.

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