Chapter 58

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I lay awake on my bed, my body sprawled out like a starfish.

I stare at the ceiling as some of yungblud's music plays through my beats. I started packing when I got home from the studio at 11. It's 3 AM now. I've packed all my clothes, trophies, equipment. Everything is packed and ready to go. I just don't know if I can.

I mean I'm only 17 and I'm already moving into my own apartment.

But I have so many worries.

Will I be able to stay on top of rent and all my other bills?

Will I get lonely?

Do I really need this?

My anxiety grows and grows. I grab my phone and call Lauren.

No answer.

probably sleeping.

I call Billie.

Straight to voicemail.

I call Riley and immediately she picks up.

"Yeah Em you good?"

"Uh can you come by? I need someone here," I say, blinking away tears.

"Uh yeah of course dude, I'll be there. Uh AG and Anna are here with me though, want me to bring them?" She asks.

"Ok. Just please hurry," I say.


Riley opens the door and comes over to me and hugs me. Anna and AG do too.

"How'd you get in?" I ask.

"The spare key in the flower pot," Riley said.

They pull away and I lay down on my bed, AG, Anna, and Riley all do too.

"What's going on, Em?" AG asks.

"I'm all packed and ready to move into my apartment, it's just...I'm scared. Fuck I'm only 17 and I have so much responsibility. I'm a celebrity, a role model, an idol, a teenager. I don't know if I can do it," I rant.

"You can Emilie. You were able to get through all those foster home. The Dorians. Emma, me, and the entire team making your life hell. All those underground fights you fought in. The shit Julian put you through. You can do this Emilie. Don't let your mind limit you," Riley says.

"Yeah Em. Look we may not know you as well as Billie or as Riley, but we are here for you. You're never alone. You fought your way here. Don't let your mind and anxiety dominate your life," AG says.

"You always have us behind your back," Anna says.

"I love you guys," I say. "Thank you."

"Of course dude," Riley said.

"Can I ask you guys for a favor?" I say.




"I know it's like 3 in the morning but can you guys help me load all my stuff into my car and help me unpack?" I ask.

"Yeah," AG says. They all get off the bed and grab a box.

"You really packed everything?" Anna laughs. I nod.


I open the door and let everyone in.

They put the boxes they were holding down and went back to go get more boxes from the car that's in the garage.

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