Chapter 25

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month a half later; mid june; lily flew out earlier since she graduated a year early

"I think Im going to ask her today," I say to Riley. I'm getting dressed because I'm going out with Lily today.

Riley and I have gotten closer than ever. Lauren and Bryana went to Hawaii last week and are coming back in like 2 weeks. Lily flew out early since she was able to graduate early. She's been here for about a month and a week. We both developed feelings for each other.

I put on some blue dress pants with a white button down shirt paired with my Stan Smith Adidas. I spray my cologne and pop a mint.

This isn't the first time I took Lily out. We've been unofficially dating for the past month, and it's been great. Today, I just wanted to make it official. We haven't kissed yet though and I want to change that today.

"How do I look?" I ask, turning to Riley.

"Fucking amazing," she says.

I grab my wallet, phone, and keys and head downstairs to see Lily talking to Olivia and Jordan in the kitchen.

She turns her head and our eyes meet. She starts to walk toward me after saying her goodbyes to them. We walk out of the house and I open the car door for her to get in. She gets in and I close the door. I walk over to my side and get in.


I give my car to the valet and we walk in. This is a rooftop restaurant, they have many of them back home and I honestly miss New York.

We are led to our seats and we sit down.


Lily laughs. "You really did that?"

"Yeah, I think that was the fourth time I've knocked her out. Trust me, my hatred for her is raging. But, on my birthday, I had a big ass party and I was dared to give her a hickey," I chuckle.

"Really? Did you do it?" She asks while sipping on her lemonade.

"I asked if she was ok with it and she said yeah, so if course I did it," I reply, taking a sip of water.

The waiter comes over and hands us the check, placing it right in the middle of the table. Lily and I go to grab it at the same time.

"I got this Emilie," she says.

"No, I'm taking you out. I got it," I combat.

We continue to go back and forth until I eventually won. I paid the check and left a 50 dollar tip.

We walked over to the edge of the of the roof, to the rail. Lily leaned herself against the rail, looking over Beverly Hills. I came up next to her and did the same thing she was doing.

She looked over at me and smiled, moving closer. So did I. At this point, our arms are touching and she has goosebumps. I put my hand over hers making her look at me. Our eyes lock until my gaze shifts down to her lips and quickly back up to her eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" I say in a low whisper. She nods lightly and I close the gap between us. Our lips connect.

Nothing like Billie.

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